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third person perspective

george shoved his phone into his pocket, stuffing his earbuds in along with it. he began sprinting towards the only person in sight. his soulmate.

when they connected, dream swung his arms around george, tightly embracing him. george returned the hug, squeezing clay as he did. dream let out a soft giggle of joy, genuinely happy to finally see his best friend in person. george's stomach felt warm, the familiar feeling of butterflies fluttering around inside of him.

dream squeezed george again and he squeaked. "too tight too tight ow ow ow-" dream reacted by softening his grip, pulling away from him, hands still at his shoulders. "i still can't believe it's actually you."he mumbled, looking george up and down, a smile prominent on his face.

"you look a lot different than i expected," the brunette commented, reaching up and ruffling the taller's messy blond hair.

"wait," george paused, looking down at the grey hoodie dream was wearing. "is that my merch?" he tittered, pointing to his username on the hoodie.
"yeah," clay replied, dropping his arms from george's shoulders. "is that bad?" he continued.

"no. you look good in it," george answered. there was a long, genuinely awkward pause between them. "so."
"so." dream said.
"i guess it's just you and me, then? for two years?"
"i guess so. i know that we'll be fine. there's gonna be lots of cool memories made here, even if we don't remember them when we go back." clay assured him, fingering through his messy hair in an attempt to straighten it out.

"i hope we do remember what goes on here. it'd really suck if we didn't."

"haha, yeah," dream agreed, his tone soft. "do you wanna go for a walk? we can try to find my house. judging by the street we're on, it shouldn't be too far from here. we'll be there before nighttime. maybe a couple miles, at least."

"yeah, sure! lead the way." george smiled, lightly bouncing in place.


forget me not. [dreamnotfound] ✓Where stories live. Discover now