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Bruce pushed Y/N's stroller while Y/N herself ran around in front of him. "Daddy, park!" Y/N cheered and pointed to the up coming playground. Bruce smiled and nodded, confirming that he saw it. The three year old continued to run around until she saw a man at a cart selling balloons. She walked towards her father and tugged on his shirt and pointed. "Daddy?" Bruce looked at the balloons then down at his daughter. He knew he should say no after the last time he got her balloon. But saying no to Y/N is too hard. So he took a deep breath before saying, "On our way back, I'll get you a balloon." He hoped that by the time they leave she'd be too tired to remember about the balloons and they wouldn't have another incident again.

A few hours later, Bruce was sitting on a bench that was facing the playground. He was doing a little work on his tablet and would check on Y/N, making sure she didn't run off or was taken. Just moments later there was a loud thud and then a young child started to cry. Bruce looked up to see that it was Y/N who had fallen from the jungle gym. He jumped up and ran over to her. "Y/N, are you ok!?" Y/N shook her head 'no' and continued to wail. Bruce looked at her knee which was covered in blood. "Come on let's get you home." Bruce picked her up and carried her back to the car, he put her and her stuff inside, then drove back to the tower.

Bruce brought her upstairs and placed her on the counter by the sink. He used a cotton ball and dipped it in alcohol and wiped over the cut which made Y/N say things that made Bruce vow to never let Tony babysit again. "I know it stings but you can't say that,Y/N." She nodded and started to softly whimper. The scientists carefully wrapped a bandage around his daughter's leg. Once he was done, he picked her up again and took her to the living room and sat her on the couch. "Since I want to wait til your leg gets better and I think we'll just wait before we go back to the park. How about we sit here and watch any movie or show you want."Bruce handed her the remote and then vowed that Natasha can't babysit either. Y/N looked up at him


"Yes, Y/N?"

"Balloon." The tiny child said with a cold glare and stern voice.

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