[Night 1 - Day 2: Blood in the Water]

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Content warnings: Murder, violence, drowning (not implied, skip paragraph/section 2 if you're uncomfortable with drowning.)

(Is Dan 'Dirty Dan' from Spongebob? Who knows.)


Dan was feeling thirsty.

He sat up, thinking about whether or not he should get some water.

The Announcer told him and the other houseguests that he expected them to go to their rooms once the lights cut off.

'Maybe I should quickly get water and quickly come back. It shouldn't take that long, right?' Dan thinks to himself as he got out of his bed and walked to the kitchen.


After the Announcer gave the murderer the green light to murder someone for the night, they went out to find anybody that was unfortunate enough to be outside their room.

The murderer found Dan getting some water from the kitchen.

Should they get him while he's getting his water? Nah, they have to get him while he's genuinely distracted.

The murderer went inside the bathroom (which was the nearest room) and started to plan any possible murder methods they could use.

A few minutes later, Dan came into the bathroom to wash his hands.

The murderer wastes no time apprehending him.

Dan tries to scream for help, only for the murderer to place their hand on his mouth.

He tries to fight back, but the murderer just slams his head against the wall.

Disoriented, Dan falls, gripping onto the sink.

The murderer thought that bashing his head until he died would do well, but that would take too long. Quick and clean murders were the best ways to not get caught.

So, the murderer dragged the man to the toilet and opened it up.

They were cringing at the thought of drowning someone in a toilet, but filling the tub or sink would've drawn too much attention to them.

The murderer shoves Dan's head under the water.

The water seems to have 'sobered' him up just enough to know that he should be fighting back.

Dan grips both sides of the toilet to push himself up, but the murderer wouldn't let up, leaving Dan with no choice but to fight back.

The murderer roughly grabs Dan's head and takes it from out of the water, leaving Dan to hyperventilate.

Dan tried to fight back to prevent his face from getting in the water, only for his head to be submerged in the water, yet again.

Dan's lungs were filling up with water, leaving him with a burning sensation in his chest.

He couldn't breathe anymore...

Nobody was coming to save him...

Should he even try..?

Dan thinks about how different things would've been had he not gone out of his room.

But that didn't matter now...

Black clouds his vision as he slowly fades into unconsciousness, watching as air bubbles float to the surface, taking his air with him.

He wants to fight with what little he had left, but he couldn't.

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