Chapter 3

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"Sorry for interrupting. Let me guess. Trevor's the second out of seven."

I nodded, thanking the guy in mind for interrupting. I told him what happened after that.

"Trevor called me multiple of times, and we exchanged messages after I told him that Ethan and I weren't dating. We even flirted a few times and met several. It was like trying to fulfill the date Ethan had misunderstood."

"Does Ethan know?"

"Of course he does. Every time I go out of the house, he always asked if he could come, but after a couple of consecutive no's, he told me to call him whatever happens."

"Wow. It seemed like he already liked you even before you did. And that he was jealous of Trevor."

I didn't know what to say with that comment, so I continued on. "But one day, he told me to meet up again, because he was going to ask me something. I was so excited, because I thought he was going to ask me out officially. I waited for him there. And waited. And waited. But he didn't come. I always look at the door when it chimes every time it is being opened.

Then all at once my tears started to roll down my cheeks. I stopped looking at the door whenever it chimes. I stood up to go out but bumped into someone, thinking it was him, I looked up to see a pair of green eyes looking at me with pity. Ethan hugged me tight and led us both home.

I told myself that I will entertain whatever reason Trevor will tell me for a week, but he didn't contact me even just a single message. When I came back to America, I moved on from checking my phone whenever it rings and hoping it was Trevor. Ethan pitied me, so he held onto my phone for a year until I finally took my feelings for Trevor aside."

The guy stared at me for a while that it started bothering me. "What's wrong?"

He cleared his throat and looked up the sky. "What's his full name?"

"Who? Trevor?"


I looked at him intently, observing how he was staring at the night sky. The bus appeared, and he still didn't budge.

"Trevor Matthews. Why?"

For a while, he didn't speak. Until he turned to look at me with eyes full of hope.

"I happened to be Trevor's best friend."

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