Day Six

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"Come on, guys. We have to plan, and do this film project. It's due two weeks from now, and Kyle still needs to edit this," I said, massaging my temples. The stress of college was getting into me, and it was just my second year.

I had taken the course of Fine Arts in Film Directing as my secondary course, and fortunately became one of the top students. I was working on with different students in different courses for this project. Abigail was in my group, taking up a course in writing. Most of us took up the course of arts in acting. We had to pass this film as part of our grade in arts, depending on the specification we took.

Now, my group of nine was having a problem on where to film, what to film about, and when we would film. There were a lot of obstacles. We can't film in the dorm, because it was against regulations. We had to film in someone's house and stay there for the night for the assurance of finishing the film. I was the voted leader for this group, and I could already imagine the red mark.

As if he was reading my mind, Jacob Andrews raised his hand, offering that we could stay in his house for a night and film there next week. I hugged Jacob immediately, thanking him that at least we wouldn't get a failing grade for this, but then Abi took my hug differently and teased both of us. This resulted to the whole group teasing us as a couple.

Don't get me wrong. Jacob and I were classmates for most of our classes for the first year and so was it turned out second year. He was taking the same courses as me, and we were then taking the same classes together. We met when he saw me crying on my seat in our last class that day, asking me what was wrong. I didn't know why I did, but I just suddenly told him everything I felt. It turned out that he had the same dilemma.

We just shared a lot in common that the next thing we knew, we were going to classes together, waiting for the other, eating in the cafeteria together, sometimes with Abi joining us. I was starting to feel comfortable with Jacob that I had Ethan on the very back of my mind.

"Enough. Okay, so next Friday we would go to Jake's house, film, sleep, then continue until we finish. Before that, we need to create a script and a storyline. The very important thing we need, and we don't have one yet. Perfect."

One of us, Reagan, suggested that we could meet up in the library for an hour every time our last class was finished to talk about the story and finish the script. Everyone agreed, saying it wasn't a hassle, and that would be great, since all of us had the same time of going home. The class was over, and we were all dismissed, all of us having each other's phone numbers in case.

For the most part in college, this was one of the things I had enjoyed. Just being with friends I had met with Abi without having to rely on Ethan. The nine of us were all so close that we can be called a clique. The only time we could really enjoy together were during free time, class, and after school. Our lunch schedules were different due to the different classes we took.

Ethan and I rarely talk to each other anymore, sometimes none at all. As if it was already natural that we don't have each other by our side. As if we didn't grow up together. We had made up just before second year started.

He told me that he was just really pissed at me for being so oblivious. I didn't know what he meant by that, so I asked him. He just laughed at me, saying that he missed me too. We hang out sometimes during summer vacation, but there was already a barrier between us, and it seemed like there were things that we could do, and things that we could not.

Even if our relationship became limited and not as much as close as before, we knew it had to be this way. We were both growing up, and having each other by each other's side wouldn't help us grow independent. It also turned out that Ethan just relied on me too, but we had already managed to finish the first year of college, and that was already a start.

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