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The longer I spend time with Elle, the harder it is not to touch her. It doesn't help she keeps wearing all this sexy shit around me.

Tonight I planned something special. Just for her. Her style of dinner. With other women they wanted all the bells and whistles. Expensive flowers, champagne and food... that shit never matters to her.

I shower and change into shorts and a tank and go back out to her. She's laying on the couch watching Family Guy. Her fucking curves are accentuated in that outfit. I take in her hips and ass. Her beautiful tits are practically coming out of that top.

"You look sleepy." I say as I approach.

"Just relaxed. I'm going to hate leaving here." She says sadly.

"You can stay here as long as you like." I offer with the intentions of staying right along with her.

She looks at me like she's thinking about it. "That's pushing it." She gets up off the couch, "at some point I need to get a fucking career going."

I look puzzled at her, "What happened to the business?"

"Oh we sold that a few months ago, I thought for sure your new best friend would've kept you in the loop." She's so fucking sarcastic. It's sexy as hell.

"You're funny." I acknowledge the jab. "I was gone for a few months promoting my new album."

"Oh." I see her register a look on her face. Wonder what that's about. She ends the conversation quickly, " I'm going to go change into something.... comfortable...I guess?" She says unsure.

I can't help but laugh at her confusion, "Just some shorts will be ok. You won't need shoes."

She gives me a crazy look and disappears in the bedroom. About fifteen minutes later, we're ready to go. Riley got taken out of here by Hy so now we were totally alone.

I knock on the door to check her progress. "Come in." She says and I crack the door open.

She turns to me

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She turns to me. I'm fucking stunned at her beauty. "Should I pull my hair up?" She asks completely unaware that she's rendered me speechless.

"You're fucking gorgeous either way." I say.

She releases her hair from her hands and smiles sweetly, "Thank you Abel. Am I dressed ok... like I don't know what the fuck to wear!" She laughs.

That sound is heavenly. "Yep you're perfect."

She walks over and places her hand on my cheek, "You're really sweet."

That simple touch just lit me on fire. Fuck I want to kiss and hold her. Please let tonight go right.


I have no fucking clue what's going on tonight. He's managed to kick everybody out again so that we're alone. Every part of me is glad and scared at the same time.

I haven't had sex since Abel. I've dated a few guys but nobody ever intrigued me the way he does. It was just to pass time and maybe just maybe find someone who could move me. Ultimately no one has.

He takes my hand to lead me and I'm instantly filled with butterflies.

"Where we going?" I ask excitedly.

He chuckles, "Right out here." He says as we go outside and head towards the stairs. The sun is setting and is breathtaking. I notice tiki torches lit for easier access down the stairs.

I remain silent the entire way. My heart is pounding. His touch is sending electricity through me. We come upon the beach and there's a huge blanket laid out with torches surrounding for illumination.

He gestures his hand for me to sit. I do as he wants and he follows but remains on his knees. He reaches around and pulls out a picnic basket. Oh my God, so romantic.

He continues to reach and brings out a cooler filled with ice, beers and my favorite tequila. I laugh loudly. He opens the basket and there's a shit ton of tacos!

I place my hands over my mouth. I feel the tears wanting to escape. "It's absolutely beautiful." Without thinking I jump into his arms and hug him.

"Oh ffffuuuccck Elle," he takes the opportunity to smash his mouth onto mine.

I can't help it. I'm burning for his touch. I push on him to fall gently backwards and end up on top. His tongue enters my mouth and I'm spinning at the feeling. I need to control myself.

I pull away breathless, "Sorry, I love tacos." I joke.

He's stuck looking at me. I realize I'm still on top of him. I can feel his hardness and I have to tell myself to fucking move off of him.

His hands are wrapped tightly around my waist. He starts to kiss down my chest. Oooooohhhhh fuck that mouth. He licks the exposed part of my tits. I gotta stop this!!!

"Abel??" I struggle to sit up straight. He won't loosen his grip. "I need to move!" I laugh.

"No you really don't." He starts with that mouth again.

"Ooooooh ffffuuuccck Abel please stop." I'm fighting every urge to fuck him. I just can't knowing how he still feels about Bella. That damn album was a full on love letter of regret, remorse, sex.

He finally loosens his grip and I sit straight up. He's fucking rock hard underneath me and all this thin fabric isn't disguising it.

"Damn baby you got me wanting more." He adjust himself and I try not to stare.... and drool.

I grab a beer and twist it open. I take a huge drink then go for the tequila, I need to calm my nerves.

He grabs a beer, "Can I ask you something that seems kind of full of myself?"

"Sure." I take a swig of the tequila and pass it to him. I grab a taco, I've barely eaten all day.

"What did you think of the album?"

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