Chapter 4

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Temari stood up, wind wrapping around her some. Her fists clenched. "You were in her bed! You were practically naked! And you fucking wouldn't tell me why. How can you say you didn't cheat when everything says you did?" She asks, her voice on the edge of breaking.

Shikamaru jumped at her sudden movement and inched back. However, he stood up straight and looked her dead in the eyes. "How many times do we have to go over this? We both sound like broken records. If you knew me as damn well as you said you did then why didn't you believe me?! Nothing. Happened." He tried to steady his voice but looking at her as if she were about to break. It was painful. Temari was, well Temari. She didn't break.

"I want to believe you Shika! But why won't you tell me what really happened?" She could barely keep her voice even anymore. A few stay tears ran down her cheeks and her body was so tense, her legs barely keeping her standing. "Just... Just tell me what happened... Tell me why, and I'll believe you..."

Shikamaru looked away, ashamed of himself. He was pathetic. Agreeing to something so ridiculous in fear of losing one of his best friends he ended up losing his girlfriend instead. "I can't. I can't tell you." He shut his eyes tightly then reopened them. "I'm going for a walk." He placed his hands in his pockets and disappeared into the woods.

Temari fell onto her knees and stared at the ground, tears freely falling down her cheeks, her body shaking with sobs. "Wh-why Shika..." She said to herself, her heart breaking a second time due to him.

Shikamaru walked and walked until he heard the sound of rushing water. He found his way over to a river and took a seat on a large rock. He took out a cigarette and placed it between his lips, lighting it. Then he laid back with his hands behind his head and looked to the stars. "Asuma.. what the hell do I do?"

Temari weakly pulled herself together and finished the food. She ate the smaller of the rabbits, finding that she wasn't very hungry right now. The other rabbit was wrapping in material and set on a stone next to the fire. Temari weakly moved to the tent and layed in there, numb.

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