chapter 6

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"Wha- So this is my fault now? I know I have a high IQ but you're supposed to be smart too. Don't you blame me for this!" He seriously cleaned up the tent and put his backpack on. "Let's just go. We'll deal with the situation when it becomes a problem."

Temari looks at him. "Did you hear my reasoning?" She asks, looking at him. "You distracted me..."

Shikamaru stopped and looked at the ground. "Yeah, I heard you." It was true. He wasn't lying, but he couldn't think of anything to say to her. If he was being honest to himself, the reason his heart was beating so loudly in his chest was because of her words. He thought he was done hurting Temari, but apparently this had just started.

Temari looks down and jumps to the trees. "Forget it. Let's get going." She says, heading towards their destination once again

Shikamaru remained silent and followed after Temari. Although, she told him to forget it, he couldn't help repeat her words over and over. He followed after her and hoped the subject wouldn't be touched upon again, but something told him it would come up again and again.

Temari stayed silent, her mind racing. Soon the air grew cold and Temari slowed down, shivering. Even after that, she stopped on a branch, shivering.

Shikamaru was so lost in thought that he hadn't realized Temari had stopped. He shot past the girl but quickly came to a halt on a branch in front of her. "You ok?" He questioned her, jumping into the same tree as her.

She looks at him, shivering. She started to regulate her chakra, trying to warm her body up. "It's starting to get colder..." She mutters. "Why send a sand in on a mission to a snow village?"

Shikamaru sighed and took off his jacket and scarf. "Here, put this on." He held out the clothing to her but looked away so she couldn't see his face.

She took the clothes and put them on, looking away as well. She could feel a blush on her face. "Thanks..." She says. She could smell Shikamarus scent all over the clothes and it made her smile some.

'Wow that was easier than I thought it'd be.' Shikamaru thought, assuming Temari would argue with him and say she was fine. "Let's keep moving if you're alright then."

Temari was to cold to argue, otherwise she would continue to fight him. "Let's go." She sighs, moving again. She was warmer, warm enough to move. But she knew she would be exhausted after this mission.

Once they had started on their trip Shikamaru came to a stop an hour later. The ground was now covered in snow and the trees had thinned out. They would have to set foot on the ground now. He jumped down into the white fluff that practically reached his knees and looked up. There was mountains ahead of them. He looked back to check on Temari.

Temari was still on a tree branch, staring at the snow. "Shika... Please tell me the snow isn't that cold..." She says, actually terrified of the white fluff. She had never actually seen snow, let alone touched it.

He looked at her and down at the snow then back up. "It's not that bad. It's like frozen water only it's not. Just don't get any in your shoes." He said with a bored expression. 'Is she really going to be like this?'

She gives him a 'really?' look and then looks down at her shoes, which were normal ninja sandals. "I'm actually going to freeze to death." She huffs, before jumping down into the snow.

"Everything will be fine. We'll see if we can find a cave to camp in." He said, trudging up the mountain. If not a cave maybe he could make something with the snow to keep wind from blowing over their tent. "You know you can use snow to build things?" He wasn't sure why he was starting a conversation but here he was.

"How? It's so cold... How could anyone stand to mess with this stuff?" She was tired of the silence. There was no way this conversation could go wrong, right?

"Well most people wear gloves. You pack the snow together and then you build things. Some people even making houses and live in them." He said. He was almost tempted to throw a snowball at her but he knew it was a suicidal action.

Temari stops and looks around. She pointed over where a snow storm was heading towards them. "Sh-shika...maru..." She says, shivering some and staring. "That's a snow storm."

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