chapter 5

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After a while Shikamaru calmed down and decided to head back to camp. When he arrived he found the fire about to go out and Temari in the tent. He fixed a few pieces of wood on the fire and at some of the food. The blonde sure knew how to cook a rabbit. Better than he could. "This is stupid." He sighed and opened the tent, but paused when he saw Temari sleeping peacefully. "I'm sorry, Temari."

Temari moved slightly when the tent opened. She didn't wake, but being a ninja made her quite the light sleeper. Her cheeks were tear stained still and though she seemed to be peacefully asleep, dreams plagued her of when she was still with Shikamaru.

Shikamaru pulled the blanket up closer to her and exited the tent. He jumped up into a tree and attempted to get comfortable. There he would wait out another hour or two of the night till Temari would wake and he could finally sleep.

After a few hours, about 2 and a half, Temari woke. Her body felt weak, buy she payed it no mind. Sighing, she got up and  get out of the tent, throwing a kuni and Shikamaru as a signal that he was off duty. She didn't trust her voice.

Shikamaru turned as the kunai hit the tree. He looked down at Temari. Without saying a word he jumped down. He wanted to say something, but he wasn't sure if he should. It was probably best if the silence remained. Once he passed Temari he entered the tent and laid down.

Temari jumped into a tree and watched, waiting. The mission was already terrible, so something wrong was going to happen again soon. That's how it always worked. She missed the days where she could tell Shikamaru anything.

A few hours later Shikamaru exited the tent in warmer clothing. He looked to Temari and walked over to the fire to put it out. "Better change. It's going to start getting colder."

She nods some and goes into the tent to change. Digging through her bag she realized she hadn't packed any warmer clothes. "Fuck." She mutters before walking out in the same clothes she had been wearing.

Shikamaru had just finished putting out the fire as Temari exited the tent causing him to do a double take. He looked her up and down knowing she hadn't changed her clothes. "Temari, you don't have to act tough in front of me. The weather is going to get bad. You really should change."

She looked at the ground, rubbing her arm some. "I can't... I forgot warmer clothes." She sighs. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."

Shikamaru sighed and shook his head. "You're unbelievable." A small smile crossed his face. He didn't intend to laugh at her or the situation. In fact it was going to be quite troublesome later, but it was typical. So typical Temari he couldn't help but smile.

She huffs some. "It's your fault..." She mutters. "With your perfect face and perfect voice. You make it so hard to hate you..."

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