chapter 8

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Shikamaru heard a thump sound and looked to see Temari pass out. "Shit." He quickly moved over to her and began taking her clothes off. "Please don't get mad at me for this." He said knowing she couldn't hear. 'Think Shikamaru think. You need to make a fire.' He liked around the cave and scrambled for rocks and small pieces of wood, but it wasn't enough. He knew he had to go outside. He grabbed a kunai and hurried outside to a nearby tree and began tearing off the bark. It would have to do for now. Then he brought it back and set up the fire. Next, he summoned the tent. He through all the components aside except for the tarp and laid it out.

After that was done he carried Temari over to the tent which he would use as a blanket. He really dreaded the next part but he knew if he didn't Temari would die and he couldn't live that. So, he did what he had to do and stripped them both of the rest of their clothes and pulled the tarp over top of them. "You'll thank me later for saving you from hypothermia."

Many hours passed before Temari woke up. Her vision was still blurry as she looked around, still to weak to move much. She could tell she was naked, but her mind couldn't comprehend it. "Shi....ka..." She muttered weakly. She couldn't remember what happened. Suddenly, she sat up. Her body would hate her later but she had no clue what had happened to Shika. She looked over and saw him. She was panting some and she felt dizzy from sitting up so quickly.

Shikamaru was passed out next to her. He had been laying there for hours to keep warm. Before he had drifting off to sleep he had set their clothes next to the fire in order for them to dry.

Temari looked at him. She was to tired to comprehend anything. She layed back down and fell asleep. The last thought she could think of was 'At least Shika is safe.'

After a few more hours of sleep, Shikamaru finally woke up. He looked around the cave. His vision was a bit blurry and he was still really out of it. Luckily no one was around for it to matter. He looked to the fire that was now almost out and then to Temari. It looked as if she were sleeping peacefully. He lifted his hand to her head. 'Not to warm.' He thought. If anything she only had a low grade fever but nothing too serious.

She moved some, her eyes opening slightly. "Shika..." She says weakly. "You're lucky my weapons aren't within my reach." She was winded from just talking.

Shikamaru glared. "Jee Temari, a "thank you for saving my life" would have been nice." He went to get up but paused. "Don't look." He then got up to check on the clothes and fix the fire.

Temari was to lazy to look away from him. Her vision was blurry anyways. "I owe you no thanks, I saved your life first." She took a deep breath, her chest hurting right now.

"I already said thanks.. troublesome.." He grabbed his underwear and put it on and threw Temari's at her face, not caring if she got mad.

Temari moves weakly and puts on her own underwear. A small laugh left her mouth as she sat up. "Thank you, Shikamaru..." She sighs. She still seemed to hesitate before saying 'maru' part.

"You're welcome." He smiled sadly. "Look, I'm sorry. This whole mission.. it's been one thing after another and this wasnt supposed to happen.

"Don't be sorry..." She sighs. "Though, this mission was doomed as soon as we were put on a team together."

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