Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Quarrel is not the most terrible thing many couples afraid of. Instead, what many couples afraid of is emergence of third-party. Because, after quarreling, couples could still getting together again but it’s never ever happened on emergence third-party. Feeling and pain a person suffered from due to his or her life partner having affair are unbearably horrible. Unfortunately, Claire was being bestowed the chance to experience it.

The unknown email popping out of her desktop showing plenty of pictures which depicting Angus kissed with a young beautiful girl. They hugged. They shopped together. The worst is one which both of them were naked and did what usually happened in Adult Videos (AV). The girl wasn’t stranger and instead she is exactly the girl who just drove her back from Angus’s funeral a few minutes ago. Lesley.

Claire was staring into the air for a while after going through the entire “album” mail. “Ahhh……..Goddamn bitch………fuck the world!!!” Claire, eventually, exploded, as crazily throwing all of the things but the laptop, probably it’s too heavy and expensive, all over her room. A few moments later, she burst out of tears and started sobbing like a kid can’t find her mother in hypermarket. She has never thought that Angus would pass away. She didn’t even think Angus would betray her. The most heartbreaking fact is that Lesley, her best friend, is the third-party. It’s too much for Claire to endure and bear. First is death of Angus. And now is unexpected betrayal.

“Maybe I should talk to her. Get to the bottom. Make it crystal clear.” She thought, trying to calm herself down. Took out her smartphone, she texted Lesley: I need you. Come here around please. It’s seemed like missing out the words “to talk to” in between need and you.

While waiting Lesley, Claire sitting at the desk staring the “email” and wondering why these kind of shits would happen on her. Why God was so merciless and cruel to her. She never got answer. Maybe it’s time moving fast or maybe Lesley was quick. Once Claire heard door-knocking-sounds, she went to open the door. Undoubtedly, Lesley was there. After opening the door, Claire straightly went to her desk again without saying a single word to Lesley.

“Why!!” Claire furiously asked “Why did this to me?” Lesley, who stood on the threshold, was astonished and with her mouth wide open. However, it’s only maintained for a few seconds.

“So?!” Lesley replied sarcastically “Angus should be mine and you are the person take him away from me!”

“Bullshit!” Claire said “When did it start?”

Crossing her arm, Lesley walking as if she wasn’t the third-party and stopped before Claire “Angus and I are always together all the time. There is no starting point.” Lesley said arrogantly.

“You bitch!!!” Claire yelled, giving infuriated slap on Lesley’s cheek. Insanely, Lesley bashed her back and pushed her to her bed. “How dare you slap me!!! You are just a waste that caused Angus died. You were the one setting Angus apart from me. You this fucking shit. ” The thought that Claire caused Angus died made Lesley even more insane. She immediately took the pillow to cover Claire’s face and pressed it with all of her energy trying to strangle her.

Swiftly, Claire breathlessly kicked Lesley off and immediately took knife that fall on the floor then stabbed Lesley to protect herself from Lesley’s further attacking. Then, Lesley was dropped to the floor with the knife half inside her heart. Even though Claire managed to protect herself from being hurt, she inadvertently killed a human being. It’s illegal and she even will face capital punishment.

“I lost my boyfriend. His death was caused by me. My boyfriend betrayed me. My best friend is the third-party. I killed her. I am a murderer. A murderer...Why? Why my life is just sucks? Why God treating me in this merciless way? I lost everything I had. Fuck!!!” Claire talked herself in despair, as dropping back to her bed. In next moment, she burst out of tears and hugging her leg to her chest. “Why?” She kept mumbled this as she shedding tears, unnoticed there was a pair of eyes outside the kept watching this anecdote....

                                       _____________To Be Continued______________

Next update: 19/11/2012

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