chapter 6

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Yuu's pov
"So....." I said "I am supposed to marry you?" "It seems so yes" the prince answered "prince" "you can call me mika" he smiled rather akwardly "m-mika..... don't you think it's a bit too early?" "I know I am sorry it's my mother" he averted his eyes saying that. Right now I am in this big black chopper supposedly a private one for me and Mika, queen kurl is on the other one with the rest of the royal family and also with sir shinya the general of the emerald army of our kingdom, my father sent him as my personal bodyguard as he did not really believe in the queen, not like he will say that out loud but he doesn't.
"I understand the fact the queen wants someone to marry her son, but why me? We don't know eachother very well and that too I am a boy" I protested "gender dosen't matter my child" I looked behind to find the owner of the voice and it was surprisingly the queen herself "aaah!" I fell off of my seat "you alright!?" Both of the Vampires asked "yea..." I got up rubbing my head "mother stop doing that..." Mika said "he he sorry" she said "my son...yuu don't worry it's not like you are going to marry Mika the moment you get into the kingdom. Perhaps you are going to spend some time with us and mika, get comfortable, know eachother and when finally things are settled you both will marry!" "I.......I don't know"
"Don't worry love takes time" she giggled and then jumped out of the window of the chopper "Jesus Christ! Couldn't she wait until the chopper lands!!" I said running towards the window and seeing the queen getting into the other chopper that was flying beneath ours "she is like that don't worry" Mika said scratching his neck "hmmm...wait is that the abandoned city?" I asked looking at the broken buildings and houses that once used to be a lively place where humans lived peacefully "yes. It was thousands of years ago when-!" "When the queen and the humans decided to start owari no seraph the battle between the vampires and the humans as she wanted to gain more power and rule over humans" I cut him off "the battle went on for years when she finally understood that this won't help her in any way so she made a treaty with the humans and now is living peacefully, the last battle was named seraph of the end" I finished "you read all that?" Mika asked surprised "yes I love reading books a lot specially history" I answered "you are something. the kids in my kingdom don't even want to touch the books they don't even know about these wars at all! But...these books can't describe how much bloody and brutal those wars were" "how would you know?" I asked raising a brow "I lied you about my age, i am not 21 i am much older than that you can't even imagine...I have seen the war with my own eyes and even taken part in it, i drank human blood for the first time when I was 21 that is when I completely stopped ageing" "oh god!! Why didn't I get it before!?" I asked "humans usually get confused with a vampire's age" he chuckled.


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