chapter 7

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Yuu's pov
After what felt like ages the chopper finally landed before a big castle, bigger than the one I lived in. "Do you like it?" Mika asked "yea it's cool!" I exclaimed "so-!" "Mika! Come here!" The queen called for the blonde "give me a minute ok?" He asked and I just nodded my head. "So you must be the prince" I looked back at the owner of the voice, that was none other than the silver haired guy. He put his hands on his hips as he licked his lips in the same seductive manner "u-uh yea...." I answered averting my eyes to not meet his lustful gaze. "Hm hmm" he hummed and walked towards me in a very feminine way swaying his hips side to side and tossing his silver hair behind to add up his sass 'oh god' "you truly are a beauty" saying that he took my hand and kissed it which sent a chill down my spine "oh thank you" I said pulling away. "My name is ferid bathory nice to meet you prince ~!" He said in a playful tone and winked sending yet another chill down my spine "are you done with teasing the prince ferid? Leave him alone. He is taken" said a guy with red hair if I remember his name is cowerly eusford. "Oh what a waste...but nevermind cya cutie~" saying that he turned on his heels and went back to whatever he was doing "see you prince~" said the red head winking at me and walking away. 'Is this family filled with flirts!?' "prince finally!"

Third person's pov
"Prince finally!"
The blacktee turned around to face another silver haired male "sir shinya,  why are you panting?" The raven asked concerned "oh! It was hard to get away from the queen...she didn't let me get near you for god knows what's the reason" "oh..." "Would you like to have some welcoming drinks?" They both looked at a maid holding a tray with two drinks on it, shinya took the vine and yuu for obvious reasons took the fruit juice. As the silver haired male relished the drink he sighed, the flavours of the grape juice bursting in his mouth kept him wondering that when did he last relish such a good, bittersweet drink? His cheeks turned red, when he shook his head trying to cut off the thoughts he had of the previous day's activities with the king 'cut the crap shinya! You are on duty for god's sake! On duty I say!!'

And then he fixated his gaze on the glass of wine, suspicion taking over him. He leaned in near the prince's ear and whispered "prince don't you think they might have poisoned the drink? If you feel something is going wrong we will flee away from here as fast as a cheetha could" the little prince sighed "sir shinya.......they won't poision our drinks until they want to start another fight between humans and Vampires for no reason, I mean why would they? After so many years of peace ofcourse they wouldn't" the blacktee wishpered "you have a point" shinya nodded "let's get going!" The queen clapped "sorry to keep you waiting!" Saying that she took us to the entrance of the castle. As they step their foot in the castle they walked on the red carpet where the servants and maids were greeting them by showering them with rose petals, it kind of creeped the prince as he realised that he and shinya were the only humans in the castle except for all the others in the castle including the servants, the blacktee looked around in confusion as he wondered where the villagers of the kingdom were, usually when guests come they also take part in welcome them "well the queen told me there won't be any commoners here as she took the decision in a short notice and only sent word to the castle to prepare for our arrival, she will give out the word when you and the Vampire prince are ready to marry" shinya informed yuu. "Oh..." Yuu slightly cringed at the mention of the marriage, somehow he felt unprepared, he was infact very young to be married and to top it off marrying a Vampire and that too he knows barely anything about him, he did like him, but for his looks, nothing much or so he thought....


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