Black Heaven

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You fumed with anger, clenching your fists, "I can assure you that my tactics have worked all the time. I do not understand why you think I'm incapable of handling a promotion!"

"Miss Ennada, I understand you're frustration, but the position of Counsellor is taken seriously as they handle along the Ambassador all the major wars." your boss began to explain what you already knew. "Right now, the First Order-Resistance Conflict is a major civil rights and humanitarian issue. We have already seen more than a thousand lives lost due to this war."

"I understand the whole situation, sir, that's why I want to help aid efforts to end this war or prevent more lives being lost." you argued.

Your boss sighed, "I will give it a consideration, Miss Ennada. I cannot assure that you'll get the position."

You huffed under your breath, disappointed in yourself, "thank you, sir."

You stood up shaking his hand and exiting the office.


You entered your home watching your boyfriend, Ethen, stare aimlessly at the holoprojector. You knocked on the wall making him jump in surprise before at you.

"Oh, hi love." Ethen said, staring back at the holoprojector. You walked towards him, caressing his shoulders before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey, why don't we go and relax in our room." you suggested, slurring your words trying to signal what you actually wanted.

"I can't, love. I have work anyway you should rest or your head will start to hurt." Ethen told you.

You huffed, pulling away from him and grabbing your bag before heading to your room. Laying your stuff down on the floor before heading towards the bath. Peeling off each articles of clothing; putting on a bathrobe. While you waited for the water to fill up the bathtub. You stared down at the clear water, putting your hand in to see if it was warm enough. Satisfied, you turned off the nozzle, and stood up. Heading towards the mirror while taking off your bathrobe.

"Huh!" you gasped seeing a tall, masked figure in the mirror, you quickly turned around only for the figure to not be there.

You blinked, blaming your tired brain for the hallucination. Turning back towards the mirror until you saw the figure again significantly closer. You screamed and stumbled back into the bathtub, gulping down some water.

"Love! Who's here!?" Ethen rushed in with a knife in hand, inspecting the room before rushing towards you. Pulling you out of the water and patting your back as you coughed gasping for air. "What happened?" Ethen asked.

"I don't know. I-I saw a–,"

"You saw? Fucking hell, again? The same thing happened last year. The medic and I thought you wouldn't need medication again." Ethen grumbled.

"Ethen, I swear—," you stuttered.

"You don't need to tell me anything. I know you better than you know yourself. Let me go get your damn medication." Ethen pulled himself up, leaving the refresher.

You sank back into the bathtub worried about what would happen if you had to see your psychologist again. You would certainly not be given a promotion under these circumstances. Let alone they would have to console a trained psychologist of their own to let you continue to work for them.


You headed towards your desk before being confronted by your frantic boss.

"We need you! Five of our diplomats have been taken by the First Order." he told you.

"Sir, I-, what about a Counsellor? I am not even specifically trained to be on the front lines." you responded, your boss looked around at your coworkers peering at the two of you.

"Come here," your boss whispered before walking off.

You followed along hurrying your pace despite your heels making it tedious. You and your boss headed towards the top building which worried you as this building was where the Head of Diplomacy and Ambassador led the top three humanitarian crisis in all of the galaxy. You already could hear the frantic shouts and arguments through the door. The protectors let you both in, the room immediately became silent.

"Thank the stars! Are you Miss Ennada?" the Head of Diplomacy questioned, walking towards you before shaking your hand.

"Yes, I am." you answered. You hadn't expected to be in this room and meet the Head of Diplomacy under these circumstances. "I'm Lyell." he quickly introduced himself.

"Please both of you take a seat." Lyell wiped the sweat of his head.

"Miss Ennada, I know you don't understand the whole situation in hand, but you need to." Lyell said, standing at the front of the other end of the table.

"On a mission to another planet, five diplomats and a Counsellor were taken by the First Order. This all happened yesterday and just today we were contacted." Lyell explained. "The reason you are here is because the First Order specifically asked for the Diplomat Miss Ennada in division A to negotiate and retrieve all the hostages." Lyell told you.

"Sir, may I interject that Miss Ennada has no training whatsoever to negotiate with class A menaces such as the First Order nor any physical training only the bare minimum! If she slips up we will endanger ourselves and many others." a Counsellor interrupted, a few others hummed in agreement with the Counsellor.

"I understand that, but there are five of our diplomats and a Counsellor on a spaceship that are probably being tortured! This is not about training anymore! We have tried to send in another Counsellor, Diplomat even Ambassador Soto. They will only take Miss Ennada for some reason." Lyell vociferated, putting his palms on the table.

A Counsellor coughed to garner attention, "I say that we send Miss Ennada under the circumstance that she cannot agree to give the First Order any help from the administration."

"But then what do they want?!" another said.

"They asked for Miss Ennada for a reason. We will make sure to keep contact with her and discover what the First Order wants so her and the others will return safely." the previous Counsellor suggested.

"Miss Ennada by any chance do you have family in the First Order or in the Resistance?" a Counsellor questioned.

"No, I am the only one from my family left." you told them.

All the Counsellors were disheartened and confused. If you didn't have any ties to the Resistance or First Order why would they specifically want you.

"I am confident that Miss Ennada will retrieve the Counsellor and Diplomats from the First Order. This is our only chance. Let's vote," Lyell sighed. "All in favor of sending Diplomat Ennada, say I."

A collective amount of Counsellors said I while others remained silent, "all in favor of not sending Diplomat Ennada, say nay." A few spoke in opposition of sending you to the First Order.

The Head of Diplomacy stared at you before opening his mouth, "we will let you know by tomorrow, Miss Ennada."

Black Heaven | Kylo R. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now