1 | Enslaved

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Chapter One — Enslaved


——It was terrifying to say the least. You were not prepared to have a mission that typically a high ranking protector or the Ambassador would have. You were solely a division A diplomat that only trained for class B and C humanitarian issues. The bare minimum physical training you received was how to defend yourself when pinned on the ground or in a chokehold.

Now, here you were with a microchip inserted in your body as well as a hidden communicator behind your ear. They were preparing you with so many high-tech gadgets that you have never seen before. Not only that but you were meant to go by yourself and negotiate with a infamous Commander who could kill anyone with a snap of his wrist. You've only heard of him, never seen him in any way, but by how he was described you could only assume that man was a monster.

"Are you ready, Miss Ennada?" a protector asked you.

You took in a deep breath before slowly exhaling, adjusting yourself to the seat and placing your clammy hands on the arm rests, "ready."

"Alright, may the stars be with you." they told you, shutting the capsule door.

A ringing plagued you ear, making you hiss.

An aerospace director spoke, "I apologize, Miss Ennada. You are set for take-off in t-minus five seconds. Five, four,"

You looked straight ahead, your senses instilled with adrenaline prepared for what was to come. You kept telling yourself that this is what you wanted that why not prove yourself worthy of a position such as a Counsellor to your boss and the Head of Diplomacy. All you had to do was negotiate with the First Order in less than three days. Come to an agreement and head back to Naboo with the diplomats and Counsellor.

You had done this before and always managed to come to an agreement. Some leaders were difficult to get through and the treaties had to be twisted in some ways. However, you never heard a conflict uprising again. You actually found yourself to be one of the best in your division. The only reason your boss was holding you back is due to the fact that you were very competent and made his quota look astonishing.

"Miss Ennada, you will encounter the First Order in a few minutes if we enable hyperspace, only on your request. If not, the trip will take a few hours." one of the aerospace navigators told you.

"Enable hyperspace, please." you commanded.

"Hyperspace enabling in three, two, one."

You awed from the hyperspace's whiplash, only for your head to pulse in pain.

"How is everything going from your end, Miss?"

You slightly coughed, "it's going just fine. I'm–,"

You directed your eyes up only to see three TIE fighters whiz by.

"There's TIE fighters." you breathed, your heart beginning to beat rapidly. The intercom system began to beep and became static before coming to a silence. "Hello?" you shouted.

"State your name." an unknown fierce, stern voice demanded.

"Y/n Ennada. I am a division A diplomat from Naboo." you stated.

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