The Potter twins and the philosophers stone:

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The owl that sat on the Privet Drive sign flew away, behind a house as Albus Dumbledore, a man with a long greyish-white beard walked out of the forest. Passing a cat on the way.

Dumbledore then reached into his cloak and grabbed out some sort of gadget, pointing it towards a street light.

Very quickly the light was sucked out of it and into her gadget. He turned towards the next light and kept removing the light from the bulb.

After all the light was gone the cat he passed started to meow, catching his attention.
"I should've known you'd be here. Professor McGonagall." He spoke calmly as the cat began to transform into a human.

"Good evening Professor Dumbledore." she said as her shoes pounded on the floor, walking towards him with confidence.

"Are the rumors true, Albus?" She asked as they now walked side by side.

"I'm afraid so Professor. The good, and the bad." He said softly, as if it was a sigh.

"And the children?" She questioned as Dumbledore answered quite quickly.
"Hagrid is bringing them" he informed as they kept walking.

"Is it wise? To trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" She questioned once more but Dumbledore shook of her concerns.

"Professor. I'd trust Hagrid with my life." he almost smiled, they then heard a noise coming from the sky. As the pair looked up they saw a bright light. It was Hagrid.

He was in a flying motorbike and the tires squeaked as he landed. He got up from the bike and took his goggles off his eyes.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall." the y'all bearded man said, his voice was soft yet rough at the same time.

"No problems I trust, Hagrid?" Dumbledore asked as Hagrid shook his head.
"No sir." he responded as he walked around the bike and infront of the two professors.

"The little tykes feel asleep as we were flying over Bristol." he informed with a soft smile.

"Try not to wake them. -there you go." Hagrid handed the twins to the professors, McGonagall holding the boy while Dumbledore held the girl.

"Albus. Do you really think it's safe? Leaving them with these people?" McGonagall asked, worried for the babies as the walked towards one certain front door.

"I've watched them all day, they are the worst sort of muggles imaginable." she tried but once again, Dumbledore shook off her concerns.

"They really are- the only family they have." he cut her off, silencing her.

"These kids will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know their names." she continued.

"Exactly." Dumbledore finished as Hagrid stared at the twins, not wanting them to go as tears sat on his waterline.

"They're far better growing up away from that." Dumbledore said as stared at the twins lovingly. "Until they are ready." he stated as he turned his head to McGonagall before turning back to the children.

He carefully placed the two on the carpet outside of the door as Hagrid sniffled, a tear falling but he played it off as a cough. Dumbledore obviously saw through him.

"There, there Hagrid. Is not really goodbye, after all." The man comforted the half giant.

Dumbledore then placed an envelope next to the children, on it, it had read.

Mr and mrs V. Dursley
4 Privet Drive
Little whinging

"Good luck." Dumbledore started as he stared at the matching scars on their foreheads.

"Harry and Amel potter..."

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