The twins birthday

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It was storming and the waves were crashing against the sand as the family of three along with the twins sat inside. Dudley had his own bed, well couch and his parents had a bed while the twins slept on the floor.

Harry and Amel we're currently writing 'happy birthday to us' out of dirt/dust that was on the floor.

Dudley's watch went of which informed the pair that it was now midnight, their birthday .

"Happy birthday El." Harry smiled and Amel returned the gesture. "Happy birthday Harry."
The two blew the dust away from them as they made a wish.

Suddenly a bright, white light shined from behind the door, making Dudley wake up and jump to the wall before it continue being bashed on.

The two were currently hiding in a corner, holding on to each other in fright.

Vernon and Petunia walked down the stairs, creaking at the weight while the two looked terrified. Petunia turned on a light while Vernon carried a gun which was pointed at the door ready to shoot.

"Who's there." Vernon whimpered cowardly ss the lock bursted and the door opened, well. Broke off the hinges and there stood, the tallest man the twins have ever seen.

"Sorry about that." the man spoke with a thick accent while Dudley stared at the enormous man in shock, his eyes wide open while his lower lip trembled.

The giant like man picked the door up and put it back where it was before turning to Vernon and petunia.

"I demand you leave at once. You are breaking and entering." Vernon spat while Amel rolled her eyes at the dramatic man. This big old lump I call my uncle has locked me in a closet and starved me for years but I'm not screaming about how that's abuse.

The colossal sized man stomped over to Vernon, he looked slightly red which was probably caused by anger. "dry up, Dursley, you great prune." The man with the scruffy bear said as he bent half the shotgun up and it fired.

He walked over to Dudley and started to speak. "I haven't seen you since you were a baby harry, but your a bit more along then I expected. Particularly around the middle." The man joked before furrowing his eyebrows.

"Where is Amel?" He asked which made her gasp softly as she exchanged looks with harry. How does this man know us?

"I-I-I'm not harry." Dudley stuttered in fright as Harry and Amel stepped forward.

"I am." he gulped and Amel gripped his hand. "And I'm Amel." she tried to smile as the mans lips curved upward into a small smile.

"Well of course you guys are." he chuckled softly before letting an out 'oh' as he remembered something.

"Got something for ya." he handed a box that appeared to be squished to Harry and Amel. "I'm afraid I might've sat on it but I imagine it will taste fine just the same." He beamed while his eyes twinkled in content.

"Baked it myself, words and all." he informed them, proud of his work.
Amel opened it and saw a cake that read 'happy birthday Harry and Amel'  making her smile.

"Thank you." she grinned ear to ear as he nodded his head as if it was bow.

"It's not everyday your young twins turn 11 now, is it?." He said happily and the two nod.

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