The letter

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An owl flew over the house, dropping a letter as it squealed.

Dudley currently stood leaning against the fire place as he posed with his new school uniform.

"And smile." petunia grinned, beaming with joy as Vernon stood there proud but not reacting with much enthusiasm.

"Oh Vernon, just look at him. I can't believe it. In just a week he'll be off to smeltings." petunia cooed while Harry and Amel stared at the uniform as they cringed.

"Caveat to smeltings. Proudest moment of my life." Vernon smiled as Amels lips puckered up slightly in disgust. If that's the proudest moment of his life that's pretty depressing.

"Will we have to wear that too?" The twins asked while Petunia and Vernon turned around and their eyes widened in amusement.

"You two? Go to smeltings?" Petunia giggled while Vernon practically honked out a 'HA' and don't forget Dudley who was chuckling at the pair.

"Don't be so stupid. You two are going to the state school where you belong." Petunia spat as Amel shared a glance with Harry.

"This is what you two will be wearing when I finish dying it." Petunia said staring at the clothes that now laid in grey water.

"But that's Dudley's old uniform. It'll fit us like bits of old elephant skin." Harry sighed as Amel tried her hardest not to scream from frustration.

"It'll fit you well enough." Petunia glared as the two shook their heads slightly.

"Go get the post. Go!" She shooed them away and they walked to the front door.

Harry bent down and grabbed the mail and passed half of it to Amel.

Amel and Harry returned to the kitchen and handed out the mail but Amel stopped when she saw her and Harry's name on an envelope.

She was about to hide it but Dudley saw it and yanked it out of her hands. "dad! Harry and Amel have got a letter!" He screamed and he handed it to his father.

"Hey give it back it's mine!" Amel yelled as harry furrowed his eyebrows, staring at her.

"You? Who would be writing to you....two." He trailed off as he stared at the letter.

Mr H and Mrs A potter.
The Cupboard under the Stairs.
4. Privet Drive
Little Whinging

Harrys eyes widened. "We got a letter?" He mumbled in confusion as Amel nodded.

Vernon, who had Petunia over his shoulder flipped the envelope to see the word 'Hogwarts' and their faces paled and their eyes widened, staring at the twins in fear.


Another one flew over the house and dropped off a letter, sitting next to another two owls.

There were three more letters in its place and uncle Vernon ripped them apart angrily.

Harry and Amel were playing with their very few toys when they started hearing this loud noise.

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