Dudleys birthday

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The twins now laid asleep next to each other in their shared room under the stairs.

"Up. Get up!" Aunt petunia yelled as their eyes shot open, petunia began knocking on the door before she walked away into the kitchen.

The pair sat up and Harry reached for his glasses while Amel grabbed her stomach in pain.

Amel has an eating problem. When she was around 7 she stopped eating her breakfast and lunch. She only ate dinner and she barely ate any of that.

She didn't want to claim it as an eating disorder because it had nothing to do about how she looked. It was just she wasn't hungry.

It gives her bad stomach pains in the morning but it will go away soon.

"Again?" Harry asked as it was the 4th time she's groaned in the last few minutes.

"Yeah. But hopefully it will go away" she smiled as he sighed, passing her, her glasses. Obviously she doesn't have glasses because her brother does, she just sadly has awful eyesight.

The twins heard Dudley run down the stairs but then heard him rush back up.

Dudley started to jump on the stairs making some dust fall onto the twins as he yelled 'get up cousins! We are going to The zoo!"

As the two climbed out of their 'room' Dudley shoved them back in and kicked the door shut before running into the kitchen.

The twins rubbed their head as they walked out of the compartment under the stairs. As they walked into the kitchen Aunt petunia begins talking about how Dudley is the 'birthday boy'.

"Why don't you cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything." aunt petunia spat at Harry and Amel.

"Yes aunt petunia." Harry answered as petunia continued talking about her son, she was bursting with joy. "I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day." she smiled

"Hurry up. Bring my coffee girl." uncle Vernon said impatiently as she sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Yes uncle Vernon." she faked her smiled as she brought over his coffee.

Dudley began to open his eyes and look at his presents and his face fell. "Aren't they wonderful, darling?" Aunt petunia asked happily as Dudley looked disgusted at them making Amel frown.

"How many are there?" Dudley raised his voice slightly making aunt petunias smile drop slightly.

"36. Counted them myself." uncle Vernon said proudly making Amel snicker slightly. If uncle Vernon counted them there might as well be 24 presents.

"36?! But last year, last year I had 37!" Dudley yelled as the twins rolled their eyes.

"Yes but some are bigger then the ones last year." uncle Vernon said nervously at his angry son while Dudley just kept yelling.

"I don't care how big they are." he spat angrily as petunia tried to fix the problem as she grabbed his shoulders.

"No-no-no listen this wh-what we are going to do is when we go out we will buy you two new presents. How is that pumpkin?" She stuttered as Dudley sighed.

The family were now going to the zoo and they climbed into the car. But before the twins could, uncle Vernon grabbed their arms and stared at them.

"I'm warning you two now. Any funny business, at all. And you won't have any meals for a week." uncle Vernon glared at them, pointing his car keys at them to scare them as they gave him a pointed look.

"Get in."

The pair climbed in and Amel wrapped her hand around Harry's arm. She did this quite often when she felt nervous or scared.

The two of them wore Dudley's old clothes that were way too big. It fit them like bits of old elephant skin as Harry liked to put it.

Amel wore a big red sweater with a grey flannel on top and tan coloured trousers. The shoes were also too big, maybe 3-4 shoe sizes too big. Luckily the laces kept them on her feet.

They were now at the zoo or 'reptile house' as it said on the front of the building.

They stood infront of a snake and Dudley was getting impatient with the snake not moving.

"Make it move!" He yelled and Vernon attempted to move it as he hit the glass with his hand. 'Move.' He stated while Dudley did it aswell but yelling "MOVE!"

"He's asleep Dudley." Amel rolled her eyes while Dudley sighed. "Boring." he said as he moved away.

"Sorry about him." Harry spoke as he stared at the snake.

"He doesn't understand what it's like." amel smiles softly as he snakes near snapped up, staring at her.

"Lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you." Harry finished while Amel stared at the snake with an eyebrow raised. It looked a little scared but happy someone understood.

"Can you hear us?" Amel asked and the snake nodded its head.

"It's just-I've never talked to a snake before." Harry replied nervously while Amel laughed softly.

"We are like Snow White." she giggled as Harry smiled.

"Do you talk to people often?" Amel asked and the snake shook its head no

"You're from Burma aren't you? Was it nice there? Do you miss your family." Harry asked and the snake turned to a sign that read 'bred in captivity'

"I see. That's me too. I never knew my parents either." Amel smiled sadly.

"Mummy, dad! You won't believe what the snake is doing." Dudley yelled as he elbowed Amel into Harry, making them fall on the floor.

Dudley put his hands on the glass and Amel glared at him for a moment before he fell into the enclosure making her gasp with laughter.

The snake climbed out and bowed at Amel. "Thanks." he hissed while she giggled. "Anytime."

The snake slithered out and playfully snapped towards people as they screamed.

Dudley tried to get up and placed his hand forward but was met with glass.

He started screaming for petunia to help him and she yelled in horror.

Vernon looked towards Harry and Amel and saw them smiling widely but it dropped when they met eye contact with their uncle.

They were now back 'home' and petunia rushes Dudley in, telling him to get into some warm clothes

Vernon shoved the twins in and grabbed their hair.

"What happened." he spat while Amel struggled against his grip.

"We dont know we swear! The glass was there and then it was gone it was like magic!" Amel yelled.

Vernon shoved them into the cupboard and glared at them. "There is so such thing as magic." he growled before shutting out the only light they had.

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