Finding You

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It had been 2 Weeks since the collider was destroyed and She was still missing her friends but most of all Miles.

She thought about how she would see him again but came up with nothing. One day one her nightly patrol she saw something suspicious a portal so naturally she went to investigate but when she got there she found no portal just a box with a note on it. It Read For That Pesky Interdimensional Travel.

Opening it up she found 2 watch like object it was quite similar to a watch just very bulky. She picked it up and headed home.

Once she got home she found that once turned on it gave you the option to travel to any other dimension. Realizing what this meant she set it to Earth-1610. A portal opened up in front of her as she cautiously peered through and realized where she was. Miles Room.

"Miles" She said but could tell he couldn't hear her so she leaned in more. "Miles" She called louder. Still No Reaction. Finally leaning on all the way. "Miles" She said much louder luckily her dad wasn't home. This time there was a reaction though as Miles opened his eyes. "Gwen" He asked.

"Hi" she said awkwardly before accidentally leaning to far into the portal and falling through. "Ouch" She said as she landed on the bed and on Miles Knee. "Sorry" she said apologetically realizing she landed on him.

Miles Perspective:

I was shocked one minute I'm listening to Music the next Gwen is on my Bed and apologizing for falling through a interdimensional portal. I didn't much care that my leg hurt I was just shocked that she can't back for me. "You came back"
"Of Course" she answered.

"Why So surprised" Gwen asked. I just Shrugged "How" I asked confused as to how she was here. "I found this" she said pointing at what looked like a really bulky watch. "Here" she said pulling out another watch. I grabbed it and put it on.

"So you can travel to different Dimensions with this" I asked. "Yep" She answered. "Cool" "So uhhh what do you want to do?" I asked nervously. "I'm kinda hungry" She answered. "Alright I know a place".
"Lead the way Spider-Boy." She said mockingly. "You got it Gwanda" I retorted back.

I Put on my suit as we left. I was happy again I thought as we swung into the night.

New Chapter Should Be Out Soon.

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