Chapter Two

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Grian was flying through the skies. Or what their was of them. In his homeland he was used to the open air and white fluff clouds while this place was mostly trees.

Grian then flew down. "It's horrible! No space to fly!" He said to himself while sitting on the ground, pouting.

Maybe he would go check on the other males whose name he didn't bother to ask for. Just to make sure the other wasn't being eaten alive or found a way out.

Mumbo was currently trying to make a fire. He couldn't survive in this unknown world without four things. Food, Water, Shelter, and Fire. Since the sun appeared to be setting he decided that fire was his first priority.

Grian in the meantime landed behind Mumbo. "So, why is your ability not important?"

Mumbo jumped in surprise. "What..."

"You said your ability isn't important. Do you even have one?" Grian questioned as he walked around him, examining him.

Mumbo looked nervous, just focusing on the fire.

Grian flapped his wings to make the fire go out. "You gonna tell me?"

"No." Mumbo responded, coldly.

"Why?" Grian asked. He was going to get this out of him. Whether Mumbo was will to tell him or not.

Mumbo didn't respond to him.

"You don't like me do you?" Grian glared at him. Trying to provoke an answer out of the other male.

"You act rude" Mumbo retorted while focusing on lighting the fire once more.

"Well I am sorry! But I hate it here!" Grian plopped down in the grass. "There's nowhere to fly....I wanna be home..."

"I bet you miss your home. I don't know if I miss mine as much" Mumbo told him while adding small twigs to the delicate fire that he had managed to create.

Grian glanced at Mumbo. "Why wouldn't you miss yours?" Mumbo's response made him a bit suspicious of him.

"It's always the same there... Predictable" Mumbo sighed, while trying to focus on his task.

"So you tried to leave it?" Grian stated, catching wind of what seemed to be going on.

"H-Huh?" Mumbo looked at him, a bit stunned.

"You aren't confused about where this place is. You tried to come here!!! And dragged me with you!!" Grian yelled at him. He had figured it out now.

"It was an accident" Mumbo tried to protest.

"You spoon!!! I hate you!!!" Grian yelled before he tackled him to the ground.

Mumbo looked shocked. "Whoa!"

"I was getting married and you dragged me here!!!! I lost the love of my life because of you!!!!" Grian yelled as tears began to form in his eyes.

"I am sorry. I never meant for anyone to be brought away with me" Mumbo tried to apologize, but Grian wasn't having it.

Grian glared at Mumbo as his tears now streamed down his face. "Send us back!!"

"I don't know how or if there is a way" Mumbo tried to explain in the most gentle way possible.

Grian scowled and spread his wings before flying off.

Mumbo frowned.

There he goes again. Off to only Xisuma knows where.

Second chapter is done! A bit longer than the first!

See ya in the next one!

(Word Count: 539 words)

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