Chapter Three

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(~After much time debating~)

Mumbo decided to go search for Grian.

Grian wasn't far into the forest as he was currently by a tree, examining the branches for a nest.

"Uhm..." He walked over. Not being entirely sure what Grian was doing or if he would scowl and yell at him again.

Grian looked up at Mumbo being a bit surprised and angry with him. He wasn't expecting Mumbo to come find him so he was trying to weave some long grass together with sticks and leaves to make his nest for the night.

"O-Oh!" He looked away. Mumbo had expected Grian to be angry still he just didn't know he was making a nest like some kind of bird.

Grian quickly looked away as he continued weaving grass together. "Why are you here. Shouldn't you be making a stupid fire!"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay" Mumbo spoke up as he glanced over to him.

"Why wouldn't I be. I'm not a spoon." Grian insulted him.

"Geez..." He mumbled a bit. Grian was even more angry at him then he thought. Even though sending them both here to this hidden world was an accident.

Grian then turned to face him. "Why would you care about me anyways. You don't know me and ruined my life."

"Well yes but still. I care for you" Mumbo told him, hoping to persuade the smaller males decision to be alone.

"Choose your next words wisely, moustache man." He was so bitter towards him and seemed to be even more offended.

"Well..." Mumbo paused, struggling on what to say next that wouldn't cause the other male to fly off in a fit.

Grian crossed his arms, glaring at him.

"Please come back with me" Mumbo finally said.

"Why should I? I am fine out here on my own." Grian turned away from him. Mumbo hadn't persuaded him one bit to return.

"We don't know how strong the creatures are" Mumbo insisted, knowing that there had to be something else living there with them.

Grian laughed. "Creatures?! There are no creatures out here." He didn't believe him.

"There may be.." Mumbo said, slowing becoming fed up with the other males attitude.

"How do you know?!" Grian scowled.

Mumbo couldn't take his remarks anymore. "I don't and neither do you. Look I get that we are strangers to each other and you are angry with me. But you are being selfish right now."

Grian paused, thinking for a moment.
He really was being selfish. He had become so angry with Mumbo about the inconvenience of being within this hidden world that was frightening to him that he didn't even consider how Mumbo felt about this situation.

"I'm sorry.....I guess you are right..." He slumped down into his half built nest, guilt sank heavily into his heart.

Mumbo sighed, walking over to the smaller male and crouching down by his side. "How about this." He said.

Grian looked up at him, in shame.

"How about we start over, get to know each other first and then decided on why we are here and how to go home." Mumbo suggested while rising to his feet.

Grian sniffled softly as the few tears that had collected in his eyes streamed down his face. "Yeah, I'd like that."

Mumbo then reached his hand down to the smaller male. "Good, my name is Mumbo. Mumbo Jumbo." He told him.

Grian smiled a bit and grabbed his hand. "Mines, Grian."

"It's nice to meet you."

The third chapter is now finished! This one turned out pretty well and not to my initial plan but that's okay!

See ya in the next one!

(Word Count: 619 words)

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