I summoned the King Of The Underworld

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Percy's POV.
Ever since my mother had passed...things have been...dark. Lonely. And well depressing.
I never see Annabeth around...Grover never calls. Then again, I always have friends on the other side. Yes I study witchcraft...surprise surprise.
I sighed softly as I gathered all the things I had needed for my ritual. Protection and everything. The room was dim...only lit by the burning candles I had. My blue eyes frantically danced around the room...making sure everything was normal. I cleared my throat, as I began the ritual...it was a simple yet dangerous ritual.
I was going to summon the devil himself.
This took hours...I must've dozed off next to the pentagram when I was awoken by a bright light. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I focused my eyesight on this figure before me.

"It...worked." I said with a small laugh. "Or...I think so anyways." I got to my feet as I looked at him. He looked familiar to me. Dark eyes...familiar scar. Except he had horns...bigger than Grover's.

"Why did you summon me, mortal?" He hissed.

I paused. "I...just wanted company." I murmured, sitting back down beside the pentagram. He wasn't able to get out luckily...salt circle.

He sat in front of me, "I'm Luke Castellan...or well...the devil himself." He held out his hand.

I hesitated before I shook his hand. "I'm...Perseus Jackson."

He gave me a look. "Nice name." He said softly. "You're the...son of Sally Jackson aren't you."

I nodded, "yes...I am. How'd you know...?"

"I know everyone that dies. Trust me on that."

"She's in the river of souls isn't she?" I asked...my voice cracking.

He gave me a look...and I could see that there was pain and worry in his dark eyes. "Yes. She is. I watched them cut the string."

I was on the verge of tears at this point.

"I'm sorry...Perseus...or Percy." Luke stammered.

"It's fine. She's been gone for a long time, I thought I'd be over it by now." I replied, looking at the devil himself once more. He was...attractive.

"I mean...you could always bring her back." He hummed.

I gave a confused look. "What do you mean?"

Luke chuckled, his dark eyes were suddenly lit up. "We can make a deal...or you could go to the underworld...with me—and ya know get her back."

I was hesitant. "Is there a catch?"

Luke paused. "Yes. There is." He said flatly.
"You. Have to marry me. Stay with me for about...five months, return back here for the remaining..seven and your mother lives."

It was quite tempting...
"Alright. I'll do it."

Luke stood up, holding his hand out once more...his horns were long and so was his tail that I hadn't noticed before.
I shakily took his hand as he pulled me to my feet, our faces inches apart. I felt a dark blush dance upon my cheeks as our breath intertwined...if one of us was to lean in, that'd be actually kinda awesome. I mean I am marrying him. Platonically...right? To save my mom yeah.
Luke looked me up and down before he had teleported us both to where he lived...or whatever. The underworld...you could hear all the souls screaming and begging...Jeez it was horrible to hear. I tensed up when I heard the horrid screams...Luke glanced at me, pulling me close, I could hear his heartbeat. That was calming.
Now the place he stayed in...was hella nice. It wasn't too dark like you'd expect. He had a couple of hellhounds named Frank and Piper.
"Now. It'll take a little time for your mother to ya know...recover but she's alive." Luke hummed.

I was so relieved to know my mother was alive.
"All that matters is she is alive." I said sighing in relief.

Luke let go of me, as he paced around. "Yeah. There is one more thing that matters..." he trailed off, turning to face me...that look he gave. It gave me the chills.

"What do you mean?"

Luke tilted his head, "our marriage."
His words hit me like a truck...and his voice was just...it seemed so full of lust. Dam was I really falling for the devil?

"Oh yeah—right." I stammered. "When are we getting married—?"

"Maybe tomorrow? You know...because it's the start of a new month and it'll be the start when you stay with me."

"Only for five months...correct...?" I asked, stumbling on my words.

"Of course. Only five. Does it sound like a deal?"

I nodded. "Yes. Can I at least see my mother tomorrow? I will return to the underworld before the sun sets."

Luke looked me up and down, his cold eyes sent a shiver up my spine. "Okay. Deal. If you are not there by sunset...I'll feed you to my cerebus."

I was hesitant before nodding. "Okay." I murmured.

That's when...I woke up the next morning. The candles were completely melted now.
I woke up in my bed? Then I remembered...either Luke brought me to my room or my mother did. I ran downstairs as quickly as I could. I smiled sweetly. "Mom...?"

Sally turned on her heels, tears stung her eyes. "Percy!" She sobbed as she ran to hug me.

I hugged her tightly, "I've missed you..." I whispered.

"I've missed you too. How have you been...?" She asked as she broke the hug.

"I've been...okay." Which was...a lie. "I'm just glad you're here..."

To Be Continued!
(943 words)
A/N: this kinda sucks but I try Lmwo. Comment some ideas, I'll be taking requests.

Lukercy One Shots❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora