I Summoned The King Of The Underworld (Part 2)

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Having my mother was such a relief, but I had to tell her about the whole deal.
"Mom...I need to tell you something."

"Oh of course. What is it, dearie?" She asked, there was a glint of worry in her eyes. She looked so sleep deprived too.

"Nevermind...you should rest a while." I suggested. "Ill tell you when you get up." I said with a smile.

"Oh yeah. Right." She said with a small laugh, "talk to you soon, Percy."

"Alright mom, if you need anything just yell for me." I called after her as she went upstairs.
That was when my phone rang, I quickly picked up. "Hello?"

"Percy! Glad to hear your voice again." Annabeth had said.

"Oh hey Annabeth, why are you calling at this time. You don't have class?" I asked, checking the time...11:30.

"Not today seaweed brain. Grover and I plan to visit sometime next week! Will you be busy?"

My heart dropped to my stomach...I'd be in the Underworld with Luke. "I...I think I will be." I said, clearing my throat. "Annabeth...I have something to tell you."

Annabeth paused, "oh...well alright. Shoot."

"You see...my mom died—I...summoned The King Of The Underworld...to have company—"

"You summoned Hades?! Percy, are you crazy?!"

"Annabeth, you rarely call me due to school, and Grover does the same. I needed some company! He brought my mother back." I snapped...Annabeth went quiet.
"I'm sorry."

"Sure you are. So did you make a deal with him?" She asked. There was hurt present in her voice.

"Yes. I did." I said with a sigh. "I have to marry him, and stay with him for five months."

"You are...so...stupid. Why?"

"I wanted my mother back!—and...he's not that bad looking."

I heard Annabeth sigh. "So; no visiting you for...five months huh?"

"Look I really am sorry. I'm sure you would have done the same. I can still...call you while I am in the underworld. He has two hellhounds, they're quite cute."

"Percy. Cut it out. You sound like you're in love with the dam guy!"

I paused. Was I really...? No way.
"The marriage is platonic, why would I fall for him?"

"You're so...oblivious." Annabeth murmured.

"Well I am sorry. I know for a fact I am not falling for him...look I don't have a lot of time before I leave. I have to tell my mother about this."

Annabeth didn't seem to hesitate to hang up.
I sighed, when I heard footsteps.
"Hey mom." I said with a soft smile.

She smiled sweetly. "Hey, what was it you needed to talk about?"

My shoulders tensed up, this was going to be difficult. "Well...mom—do you know how you...came back?"

Sally shook her head, giving me a confused look. "No...why?"

"Hades...brought you back." I stammered, I was...shaking now.
Sally frowned as she hugged me, "it's okay...calm down, Percy."

"Mom I don't have much time—till I have to leave."

She looked at me, worry shown in her eyes. "What do you mean...?" She asked softly.

Tears stung my eyes. "I'm marrying Hades...to keep y-you alive...I'm staying with him for five months...I wanted you back..."

"Percy...you didn't have to do that..."

"Yes mom—I did. I missed you—and...he doesn't seem so bad—it's only five months." I managed to say. As I cried onto my mothers shoulder. "I can manage that...I promise I'll come back. I will keep in touch."

"Just...stay safe. It's the underworld after all."

"I will mom. I promise you."

"Did you say your goodbyes...to Annabeth and Grover...?"

I was hesitant but nodded. "Yes..."

"What time will you be leaving?"

"I...I'm not sure."

Sally sighed softly. "Do you have some of your things packed?"

I only nodded. The time read 2:45 now.
Soon id have to leave.
"I think I need to go. I don't know long it takes to get there."

"Okay, Percy. Stay safe. The underworld is dangerous."

"I know mom. I'll be careful. The marriage is platonic." I told her, but what if the marriage wasn't platonic? Annabeth said I sounded like I was in love with the guy. She may have been right.

As my mom walked off to the kitchen to make something, I remembered something Luke had told me. I took a deep breath as I knelt down, knocking twice on the hardwood floors.
I rose back to my feet when I saw a glowing from the corner of my eye, I quickly turned on my heels. I smiled as I seen him. He smiled sweetly, I could tell he had some razor sharp teeth.

"You summoned me." He hummed, looking me up and down.

"Yeah...I uh did—I am needing help on how to get back to the underworld." I said with a sigh before my mother walked in.

"Percy—who's...this?" She had asked.

Luke and I tensed up. "Hades."

Sally nodded. The man you're marrying?"

"Yes" we both said.

"So he brought me back...? You better treat him well." Sally threatened. She was a good mom and wanted what was best for me.

Luke nodded. "I will...Miss Jackson." He stammered. Wow the King Of The Underworld scares of my mom?

"Well mom...uh I think I should be getting to the underworld right about now."

Sally nodded, "I'll see you in five months, Percy. I love you."

"I love you too mom, I'll keep in touch." I waved bye as I felt Luke grab ahold of my hand. Next thing I knew? He had teleported the both us back into the underworld. Like it happen so sudden. It felt kinda nice.
I was greeted by his two hellhounds. Frank and Piper. They're sweet but his Cerebus we aren't friends yet. I picked the smaller one up, Piper; as she happily barked and licked my cheek. "I thought hellhounds were scarier."

Luke looked at me, smiling sweetly. He had a nice smile. "Yeah...I guess Frank and Piper are just very fond of you."
His voice was like music to me. His smile was just like a masterpiece.
Okay. Maybe I was falling for him.
"Piper is very sweet." I hummed as I pet her. Frank nudging me.
Luke gently picked Frank up, who seemed heavier than Piper. Frank wagged his tail as he nuzzled into Luke.
Luke looked so happy...and cute. You could tell he cared about his pets.
"Maybe later I can get Cerebus to warm up to you."

I just looked at him, "oh—really? I..I'd like that."  I replied as I pet Piper.
(1126 words)
(To be continued!)
A/N: I felt as if it was getting a lil too long! So sorry! I'll work on part 3 ASAP also I know this technically isn't a one shot due to all the parts but I hope you enjoy it!

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