I summoned the king of the underworld (part 3)

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(Art is mine)
The day I got to the underworld passed quickly.
Luke got Ceberus to warm up to me quite quickly, and well we got married. The Underworld isn't as bad as you think it is.
I like it. Five months shouldn't be so bad.
Luke was nice, I honestly thought he'd be the type to be really harsh but he isn't. He even talked to my mom when I called her to see how she was doing. I did tell her I was going to keep in touch, even if it meant calling her as soon as I got to the underworld.
I was thinking about calling Annabeth but only the gods knew what kinda argument we'd get into over the phone, and I didn't want to call Grover because I knew he would get really upset. Annabeth was going to be the one to tell him.
"Hey, I'll return soon...I um have some shades to deal with." Luke hummed.

I smiled sweetly and nodded. "Alright. Um—good luck I guess?" I questioned with a small laugh.

Luke smiled, giving a wave and then left the room. I could hear the screams but they weren't as loud as the ones outside when you are making your way to Luke's place.
I could easily distract myself.
I whistled and within seconds I heard numerous pairs of big paws. Frank, Piper and Cerebus came running. As they happily hopped and circled around. Their bony tails wagging.
they looked like they had been in fights but they just look that way, Luke had told me. It's just the way Hellhounds looked. They all had fur except on their tails. Just bones.
I held out my arms as Piper leaped into them.
Cue her licking me all over the face.
Frank and Cerebus sat at my feet, I loved these hellhounds a little too much.
I knew once I leave for the remaining 7 I'd miss them.

Hours passed, the hellhounds tired me out with hours of playing fetch and tug-of-war.
I was lying on the couch with Piper right beside me, Frank at my feet and Cerebus beside the couch. I could feel myself starting to drift off, I couldn't even hear the desperate cries from the shades anymore. Next thing I knew I was asleep.
When Luke had came back, it was nearly 1 am. He noticed me asleep, he was careful not to wake me up when he picked me up.
Piper whined as she followed Luke. Piper had been getting attached to me. Pulling the covers back, Luke gently laid me down. Once he did, Piper immediately jumped up beside me. Luke laid in the bed on the other side of me, he pulled me close to him as he felt himself starting to drift off. I can officially say I finally got some good rest with no nightmares.

The next morning, the time read about 5:30. I woke up first, I sat up as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I felt Luke's arm around my waist and I smiled softly, I didn't want to wake him so I didn't really bother to get up at the time. Piper however, was up and hopping around.
She was either ready for some breakfast or a game of fetch. I pat the spot next to me, "come on up here Piper. I'll play fetch in a minute." I hummed as the hellhound hopped up and laid next to me.
I had the feeling that this day would be good. I would call Annabeth hopefully no argument, and then my mom. I felt Luke shift beside me, his grip around my waist loosened. Piper lifted her head off my lip, one of her ears flopped over. "Don't wake him up, Piper." I warned as I pet her. I could tell she was ready to just pounce on Luke and give him a nice wake up call. She whined and sat up, looking up at me then to Luke. Eventually, Luke moved his arm, as I heard him let out a groan.
"Good morning, Luke." I beamed.
He sat up, his sandy blonde hair was a mess, I didn't see how he was able to brush it without his horns getting in the way.
"Hm? Oh yeah good morning." He murmured.
I could tell he was still tired. "Do you want me to feed the hellhounds?" I asked and Luke seemed to have paused.
"Uh no, I can handle that. Don't worry about it." He said as he ruffled my raven black hair and got up.
I let out a huff as I tried to fix my hair and make it look decent.
Piper followed Luke out the room and to wherever he fed them.
I got up and stretched. First day in Hell was okay, today is the second day!
As I got ready, I checked my phone...I had a message from...Grover.
"Hey Perc! I just wanted to text and tell you that I hope you're doing okay. Annabeth told me the situation...kinda crazy that you married Hades. I just really hope you stay safe, and I can't wait to see you again! :D I gotta show you something really cool once you return!
Grover aka your best friend."
I smiled softly, I was glad Grover was taking this well. I was definitely going to call him later.
Then. My mood was ruined...
The next thing I knew, I dropped my phone when I heard a sudden scream...and hellhounds barking. The screams were loud, unlike yesterday.
That was when I realized why Luke seemed hesitant when I said I could feed them, I felt dizzy and...anxious. Luke fed the hellhounds...people. Maybe shades...but it still got me. I sat back on the bed as I tried hard to block out the screams of the victim.
I felt tears sting my eyes. It didn't work, all I heard were screams and vicious snarling coming from Cerebus, Piper, and Frank.
Then I heard footsteps, as I looked up. Luke didn't even seemed bothered by the screams. Of course he wouldn't be bothered! He's the king of the underworld. His emotionless expression was immediately replaced with concern. "Percy? Are you alright?" He asked, sitting by me.

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