Coffee, Black |Malum

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This is my first request! This shot is dedicated to xXFluffQueenXx for requesting the prompt!

Prompt: Calum works at a popular café and Mikey's a college student who goes there.


Calum was the type of worker who liked to make friends with all the regular customers. Not because he wanted extra tip, but because he was just that person. Though if someone did happen to make his tip a bit bigger than another employee's, he wouldn't complain.

He was friendly with any and every customer. There was Susan who had a lazy eye and wore dark red lipstick. There was Moe and his son Jack who came in every Thursday. There was also the elderly couple who always commented on Calum needing to get a steady boyfriend.

And of course, there was the boy who sat by the window, always typing on his laptop. Calum assumed he was one of the college students looking to mooch off of Babycakes' free wifi. The boy was strange. He dyed his hair a different color about once a month and it was rarely the same. At the moment it was fire engine red. The boy sat at the same table everyday and if someone was already there, he would wait until they left.

Calum had only ever heard him say two words. It was the same two words he spoke every day, sometimes to him, sometimes to one of the other servers. He'd say, "Coffee, black." And then open his laptop and begin typing furiously.

The guy was a total mystery. And Calum wanted to figure him out.


It was Wednesday at 3:47 when the guy came in again. He took his regular seat by the window and took out his laptop, waiting for someone to come take his order. Wasting no time, Calum poured a cup of black coffee.

"Here you go," Calum smiled as he set the coffe in front of the boy and sat down in the chair opposite him. He raised a pierced eyebrow.

"You know my coffee order?" He said. Calum's mouth almost dropped open for two reasons. One, he said something other than "Coffee, black" and two, he realized how sexy the guy's voice was.

"Well yeah. I work here and you get the same thing every day," Calum said and indicated his green apron. "Coffee, black, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah," he said, "yeah it is."

"I'm Calum," he smiled.


"Lovely to meet you," he said and shook his hand. Calum then stood up. "I have to get back to work but let me know if you need anything."


Calum learned that Michael went to the university a couple miles away. He was in his second year and was studying psychology.

"I come here to get away from the idiots," he once told Calum. "My roomate is an absolute imbecile. He gets drunk every night and always goes out to parties. So I come here to get away from the distractions."

To which Calum responded, "I'm glad you come here. You're really cool, Michael."

Then he went back to the counter, leaving Michael with a small smile on his face.


They fell into a routine. Whenever Calum was working, he would bring Michael his black coffee. They would talk for a few minutes (Michael could hold an intelligent conversation that could keep even the Village Idiot interested) or Calum would give Michael some input on his paper. Then Calum would go back to work. Sometimes when Michael looked up from his laptop he would catch eyes with the black haired boy and they would share a smile.

And every single time before he left to go back to work, Calum would say, "Let me know if you need anything."

Most of the time Michael just smiled warmly in response and turned his attention back to his essays. It was a sunny Friday when he responded to Calum's regular goodbye.

As usual, Calum stood up from his seat and said, "Let me know if you need anything."

Michael looked up and spoke, "Actually there is something I'd like."

"Oh? What can I get you?" Calum replied taking out his order pad, slightly confused. Michael had never answered before. All he'd ever asked for was black coffee. What he said next almost caused him to choke on his spit.

"Your phone number would be great."

Calum stopped short. " number?"

"Yes. You know, that thing that allows one phone to message another so two or more people can exchange words of conversation or possibly plan a social gathering?"

"I know what a phone number is, Michael," Calum rolled his eyes.

"So how about it? Can I have your number?" He asked. "It's just, you're different from most people I know. You're kinder and always go out of your way to talk to me. I'd like to spend some time with you and actually talk aside from our four minutes everyday. I want to take you out, Calum."

"You mean... like a date?" Calum asked stupidly.

Michael gave him a lopsided smile. "What else? Unless you're not into guys, that is."

"No, no I'm definitely into guys!" Calum backpedalled then mentally facepalmed. "I mean--shit. Yeah, I'd love to go out with you."

He quickly scrawled his number on a page of his notepad and handed it to Michael, blushing like a tomato. "See you later then," he smiled and went back to the counter.

The elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, gave him knowing looks from their table.

"Finally getting yourself out there, mate," Mr. Anderson said.

"Good for you!" Mrs. Anderson added. "And he's a cutie!"

Red-faced, Calum turned to help his next customer, a teenager named Emily. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Michael stand up and leave the café, giving Calum one final wink before exiting.


So how was it? Not my best but I wasn't sure how to end it. Anyways I hope you liked it! Leave me a comment if you did and request one if you'd like! Remember, I write all ships!

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