Part 11 (edited)

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Have you ever tried studying when all you can think about is the broken heart that beats regardless within your chest? It's pretty much impossible. I haven't retained anything in three weeks, which is proving to be detrimental to my studying schedule. Graduation is in two weeks, my exam is two days after that and all I can think about is Colby.

Not if I can fucking help it.

His parting words to me. Since that night, I haven't heard from him. Not a phone call, not a text, not even a little morning hello. The only thing I've received from him was a note on the counter two days after our fight saying he's been sent to London for another filming project. He wasn't sure when he would be back. He asked me to water the plants and be sure to eat my daily amount of vegetables.

That was it.

Since then, nothing.

I know I ended everything, but after his parting words, I thought maybe there was some hope, maybe he could get past his demons and fully embrace me. Us. But three weeks of radio silence has tamped down that hope, straight into the grave that is Colby and Emma.

"Uh hello, earth to Emma." Adalyn snaps her fingers in my face. "Are you going to say hi?"

"What?" I look away from the sentence I've highlighted five times to see Logan standing at the end of our table. "Oh, uh, hey, Logan."

"Hey." He looks to Adalyn and then back to me. "Think I can borrow you for a second?"

Since I have yet to actually retain what I'm reading, I'm thinking a little break in the monotony of studying might do me some good.

"Yeah, sure."

"Want to go get some coffee at the kiosk?" he asks.

"Sure. Adalyn, do you want anything?"

"Caffeine dripped from the coffee bean's teat. Ask if they have an IV."

"I take that as a dark roast, black." She nods and focuses all her attention on the books in front of her. That should be me. Single focused.


As we walk to the kiosk, we're both silent, making this outing a little awkward. We order our drinks and while we wait, Logan finally breaks the ice by knocking his foot playfully against mine. "I don't think we've ever been this quiet around each other."

"I don't think so either." I nervously laugh and then sigh. "Listen, Logan, I'm sorry for getting so defensive—"

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so bold in my assumptions. You were right, I didn't know you two as a couple and I never should have said anything. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Our order is called out and instead of going back to the library, we sit on the bench. Adalyn's coffee is piping hot so we have some time to spare.

"So, how's it going with you two?"

My eyes sting as I hold back the tears that have wanted to fall every second of every day whenever I think of Colby. "It's not going," I answer, my throat choking up on me.

"What do you mean? Did you break up?" I nod. "Oh shit." Logan wraps his arm around me and pulls me in close. "I'm sorry, Emma. Please tell me it's not from what I said."

I shake my head. "No, I think what you said actually held some weight."

"Really?" He doesn't sound happy, more sad than anything. What the?

"Yeah. I don't think he was ready to really hand his heart over. I don't think he was using me as a distraction. I do think he cared for me, but I could tell he wasn't ready, and honestly, I don't think I'm strong enough to wait around for him to love me."

My Best Friend's Ex 2 (edited)Where stories live. Discover now