Part 13 (edited)

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I put my car in park and look at the dark house in front of me. Empty, that's how it feels. Empty, cold, and not like home. It's become a place to lay my head. Despite Colby's attempts at making it seem like a home, it really isn't one without him living in it, without his eggs and bacon waking me up in the morning, or without that rough, yet sexy voice of his bouncing off the walls, joking and teasing.

It just isn't the same at all.

I can't wait to get out of here. There's no point for me to move out since graduation is right around the corner, so I just have to grin and bear it.

Sighing, I exit my car, sling my backpack over my shoulder, and enter the house. I lock up before entering the kitchen where I don't even bother turning on the light. I ate at the student union with Logan and Adalyn, just like every other night for the past few nights. Eating by myself has been rather depressing, so I try to avoid it as much as I can.

I turn the lights on in my bedroom and startle for a second. It's empty. Everything is gone, the only thing in the room is a vase of peonies with a card on the ground. Is this how he tells me to move out? With the dreaded thank-you note I predicted and some flowers as a last hurrah? What the hell, Colby? But he said he would fight for me, and I know him.

He does fight for those he cares about.

My heart switches from terrified to twisting and turning from the possibility of Colby being here. I drop my bag and sit on the ground. I smell the peonies, which draws a smile on my face and pick up the card. Written in familiar handwriting is the word "Baby." Butterflies float around in my stomach and my throat starts to grow tight.

Excited and nervous, I open the card. On the front is a picture of Niall from One Direction that makes me laugh out loud. Inside there is a long note with a few folded papers. I decide to read the note first.

Hey baby,

When I said I wasn't giving up, I meant it, but first I have a few things to apologize about. (I wanted to do this in person, but work has gotten in the way, so please bear with me as I try to make this work for us)


I'm sorry it's taken me this long to contact you. Just because I haven't talked to you doesn't mean I haven't thought about you every second of every goddamn day we've been apart. You consume every moment of my day, Emma, and it's the reason why I've taken this time to get my head straight. I've had some challenges in my life and without addressing them, without truly finding acceptance, I wouldn't be mentally healthy enough to give you all of me. And that's what I want. I want you to own every ounce of me, Emma.

I'm sorry if I ever made you question the way I feel about you, if you ever felt second best to Sadie. I'm sorry baby...

Tears in my eyes, I unfold the papers and find journal entries in Colby's handwriting, dated the day he left up until two days ago. The entries are not even the slightest bit pretty; they're scribbled, crossed out, almost angry in nature. But as I start to flip through them, the anger seems to become less and less as the days go on. I take a moment to read them, going through the same emotional roller coaster Colby did writing about Sadie, why she was important to him, the baby and why he was so attached, and at the end, our break up and why that demolished him.

I'm having a hard time catching my breath as his last sentence sticks out above the rest.

I don't want to let go. I can't let go. She's my forever.

A single tear falls on the journal entries and I quickly wipe at my eyes to avoid ruining the beautiful words below me. With my breathing evening out, I turn back to Colby's letter and pick up where I left off.

I mean it, Emma. You're my forever.

I know I fucked up, big time, but I plan on making it up to you and it starts now. I might not be there with you right now to brush a kiss across those beautiful lips of yours before you go to bed, so I want to give you the next best thing . . . well, the next best thing I could think of.

You might be wondering where all your stuff is, right? Since you're who I want, you're the girl of my dreams, I want you to be sleeping where I dreamt of you for so many nights before I finally claimed those lips. Go into my room.

Gathering the card, journal entries, and flowers, I go upstairs making sure to turn on the stairway light. When I reach the top step, I'm floored. Colby's room is a combination of both of us. His bed, my dresser. His nightstands, my lights. My rug decorates his floor and my throw pillows decorate the armchair in the corner. And on the bed, there is a brand new white comforter and light grey sheets that make the bed look like a cloud floating in the middle of the room. On every surface, there are pictures of us together, some from when we were young, some taken recently, and of course, there are peonies all around the room.

I can't believe he did this.

On the bed is another card, and I waste no time opening.

Welcome home, Emma.

This home, it's ours. No more separate rooms, no more separate beds. We live here together, as one. Brennen decorated for me so he better have followed my specific directions and if he touched your underwear in any way, I will make sure to handle him when I get home.

There is a side note written in a different handwriting that says, "I didn't touch your underwear, but I did peek. Can't blame a fella. I really liked the yellow lace bra. Hot, Emma. Love, Brennen.

I laugh out loud and cover my mouth. I wondered how Colby did all of this. I guess I owe Brennen a thank you.

I go back to the note.

I hope you like the room. When I get home, we can change anything you want, paint it, or hang things.
Whatever you want, baby, I will make happen. Until then, rest easy and know that I'm dreaming about you.

Yours forever,


I read the note a few more times before reaching for my phone, my heart full, and the urge to jump and scream in happiness filling me up. I dial Colby's number and hold my breath, waiting to hear his rich voice over the phone. But after five rings, his voicemail picks up.

"Hey, you've reached Colby. If this is Emma, be patient, baby. I'll be in touch soon. Until then, dream of me. If this is Brennen, I swear I will tell everyone about your Taco Tuesday mishap if you give me shit for this message." The robot comes on the phone and I hang up as I laugh out loud. I want to talk to him . . . badly, but it seems he has a plan I need to wait out.

Sighing, I look around OUR room and sink into the bed.

It isn't over.

It's far from over.

Authors Note: That's all for today see you guys tomorrow with more!!!  ❤️❤️❤️

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