Chapter 6

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Jett's POV

The weather was especially nice this evening, the sun barely peeking out from behind the clouds, and light flurries of snow falling to the ground. Jett slid across the ice rink to where Blaze was sitting on a bench.

"Blaze!" Jett called over to her, waving

"Hey," Blaze responded from where she was sitting

"I haven't seen you in a while, how's everything?"

Blaze didn't look up from where she was sitting on the bench, "Good, good."

Jett's smile turned to a frown at this, "Are you sure?"

Blaze looked up at this, "Did I say something?"


Blaze sighed, "I'm fine, Jett. Just got a lot on my mind."

"Well, what's wrong? You can't lie to me, you should know that."

Blaze shoved him, laughing a bit, "Ugh, seriously? Don't pull this 'caring sibling' act on me, it makes me want to vomit."

Jett faked hurt, holding a hand to his chest, "I'm very offended right now! Can't I care for the well-being of my fellow Sky Child?"

"Whatever," Blaze said, but she was smiling now.

Jett made a pouting face, "I still want to know what's wrong,"

"Can you at least try and be serious?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I would still like to inquire as to the current mental state of the Sky child residing a foot away from me by the name of Blaze."



"That's what I said,"

"Oh my stars, just tell me what's wrong, I'm tired of waiting."

"Alright, fine. Do something annoying."

"Wait, what?"

Blaze rolled her eyes, "Can you just do it?

Jett rolled his eyes back, crossing his eyes and raising the pitch of his voice to mock Blaze's, "Can you just do it?"

Blaze blinked at him, pausing for a moment, then burst out in laughter, "YOUR FACE-"

"What? What about my face? Do I have something on it?" Jett looked around for something to see his reflection in, grinning.

"No, no! Your expression was just funny, that's all," Blaze responded, still laughing a bit.

"Was it not annoying enough?"

"No, not really, still funny thou-'' Blaze was cut off as Jett, having not found anything to see his reflection in, threw a snowball at her. It hit her square in the face, and Jett started running in the other direction. "HEY!"

"Catch me if you caaan!" Jett yelled back, looking over his shoulder to see Blaze jump up from where she was sitting, and start sliding on the ice rink to try and catch up to him.

"Not fair, you had a head start!"

Jett slid around a hole in the ice, reaching a hand down to steady himself, whipping around the center island. He was reminded of the day he had met Benedict, when Blaze had chased him around their house in Frostwallow after he had ruined her flags. (Which was an accident by Jett's standards, though he may or may not have done it because Blaze had woken him up at two in the morning the day before.)

He slid to a stop as Blaze jumped down from the bridge in front of him, a triumphant smile on her face. "Haha! I caught up to you!"

"Noo you didn't!" Jett flapped his cape, flying up and floating an air current above Blaze's head. Blaze's expression switched from one of pride to one of annoyance.

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