Chapter 10

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Jett's POV

Jett barely had time to register what had happened before he'd been pinned to the tree behind him, a humming blade of light pressed against his neck.

"Drop the throwing star, Jett."

To his surprise, Jett looked down to see a throwing star in his hand, poised to throw. When had he done that? He involuntarily dropped it - a decision he immediately regretted - and watched it roll to a stop behind Sol's feet. Jett frowned at it, a strange haze starting to take over his thoughts, muddling them.

"I know what mind control looks like when I see it," Sol said to him, lightening the pressure of his blade slightly after Jett dropped the weapon, "plenty of Spirits that have experienced it."

Jett looked up at him, "What?"

A look of annoyance crossed Sol's face, "You're not listening to me?"

"What am I doing here, again?" Jett said, trying to push Sol's arm out of the way, "Wasn't I training with Veton and Elvira?"
Sol looked like he was deciding something, then took the blade off Jett's neck and stepped back, "Yeah, you were."

Jett gave him a confused look, not seeming to fully realize what had happened, and started walking back towards Veton and Elvira.


Jett woke with a start, wincing as he felt a headache pounding behind his eyes. It took a moment for him to remember what he had been thinking about the night before, all he remembered was staying up far too long. Oh, that was it! He'd been training with Veton and Elvira, and then he'd. . . Done something to Sol? Then after that, nothing. Jett racked his brain for what had happened after that, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't think of anything.

He sighed, rubbing his eye with a hand, and stood up. He probably just needed a breath of fresh air, that was it. But as he reached the door of his bedroom and turned the handle, he discovered that it was locked. Someone had locked him in his room.

Jett tried to stay calm, he really did, but when you start panicking your brain has a strange tendency to reject all logic, and make sure you do the exact wrong thing in your current situation. The thoughts running through Jett's head definitely weren't helping either.

"Am I stuck in here?"

"What did I do?"

"Who locked my door?"

And lastly, "Why does my door lock from the outside?"

He curled his fingers inward, shadows appearing almost involuntarily around them. He thought that if he couldn't open the door, he could maybe break through it. But just as he was about to try, the door opened from the outside, revealing Blaze standing there with a confused look on her face.

"Why was your door locked, Jett?" She looked at him, then noticed Jett standing in front of her. "What are you doing?"

Jett looked down at his hand, what was he doing? His mind still felt foggy, it was as if he had to push through a thick wall every time he wanted to make sense of something.

"Hello?" Blaze stepped forward, waving a hand in front of his face.

Jett blinked, "Huh?"

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