Chapter 7

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Jett's POV

Jett's vision started to clear and he lurched forward, losing his balance and falling over as he almost bashed his head on the wall in front of him. He blinked the last of the darkness out of his eyes, looking up to see Umber standing a foot or two away.

"Can you see?" She asked, leaning down to be at eye level with him and waving a hand in front of his face.

"I said you could teach me about the black stuff or whatever," Jett said, ignoring the question and pushing her hand out of the way, "NOT kidnap me and bring me to a secluded area in the middle of nowhere!"

Umber shrugged, "Your sibling would have gotten in the way," then flipped a spirit stone through her fingers and held it out to him, "go back if you want to, I won't stop you."

Jett didn't take it. He knew the spirit stone would teleport him back, but he was too curious to just leave.

Umber grinned, "Didn't think you'd want to," then tucked the stone away into her cloak, conveniently where Jett wouldn't be able to get it on his own.

"Where are we?" Jett asked, getting up from where he had been sitting and looking around. As Umber stood up as well, he realized that she was half an inch or so taller than him.

"An old temple in the Golden Wasteland." Umber walked ahead, fingering a large spear half-submerged in the sand to their right. "I think there was a battle here of some sort." She turned around to face him, "Can you do something with your shadows?"


"Black energy thing?"

"Oh, that." Jett leaned down and dragged his hand through the shadows at the base of a wall, collecting them in his fingertips, he stood up and held them out to Umber.

She smiled a bit, "You're getting good at that," and reached out to touch the shadows. Before Jett could pull his hand away, her fingers grazed them and a ray of dark purple light seemed to be sucked out of her hand, being absorbed into the pulsing mass of energy.

Umber grabbed her chest, a pained expression on her face, then fell over and passed out as she hit the ground.

Jett's eyes widened, his face paling, "Umber?"

He crouched down and leaned her against a pole, "Stupid stupid stupid. Ugh, Jett why are you so stupid?!"

He dragged both of his hands down his face, tipping his head back to face the ceiling. He was only now realizing what his surroundings looked like. Large stone pillars stretched up to support the ceiling high above, and a sliver of green-tinted light came from a large door behind them, accompanied by a gust of wind that picked up the loose grains of sand from the floor and tossed them into the air. Jett had never been in a place before that had such an imposing air to it, it was almost like the place was observing him, judging him.

Jett jumped as Umber gasped loudly beside him, opening her eyes and sitting bolt upright, "What just happened?" She narrowed her eyes at him, "What did you do to me?"

Jett shot a glare at her, "It was an accident! I was going to tell you not to touch the. . . shadows or whatever, but you didn't really give me a chance."

"Oh, my bad." Umber gave him a skeptical look and stood up, wobbling a bit, "Ugh, my head hurts a ton. Thanks a lot, Jett."

Jett rolled his eyes, "Sorry, whatever. Will you live?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Are there any other side effects I should know about?" Umber smiled a bit at his sarcasm, surprising Jett.

"Oh, you don't have light magic anymore. Sorry about that."

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