Chapter 9

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Veton's POV
"I. . . have to go," Veton heard Umber whisper to Jett.

"Huh? Okay bye?" Jett responded, "Why-?" but then realized that Umber had already run off to who knows where.

The spirit was calmly watching them, just like the first time they had met, tossing their sword back and forth between their hands, before deciding to sheathe it at their hip.

"The creepy spirit-!" Elvira started.

"I have a name, you know." The spirit interrupted, their strange accent making their words sound almost melodic.

Elvira stepped backward, eyes widening, "You can talk?!"

"I can!" The spirit grinned, then paused for a while, looking up as if they were plucking the words they were saying out of the air in front of them, "Though I really should have spent more time learning your language,"

"You're not a Sky Child either?"

"What? No, I'm a Sky child!" They paused, yet again searching for the right word, "In a matter of speaking."

"I am so done with cryptic stuff," Veton muttered, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

The spirit looked at him, apparently having heard what he said, "Oh I'm sorry, I guess that did sound cryptic," They tucked a strand of their hair behind an ear, which Veton noticed was much pointier than his or Elvira's, "I'm a type of Sky child that lived a couple of hundred years ago."

"And...?" Elvira questioned.


"Are you going to explain why you're here?"

"Oh!" They grinned again, "You're right! I'm an Elder too!"

"I'm having a really hard time believing anything you say right now," Elvira sighed, "especially that."

The spirit tilted their head, "How do I prove it to you?"

Elvira squinted at them, as if sizing them up, "Well which Elder are you?"

The spirit grinned again, "The same one as you, um. . ." They paused, "What's your name?"

"I'm Elvira,"

"Oh! Such a nice name, I'm Emmeline!"

"So you're telling me you're a Valley Elder, too?" Elvira asked her.


Elvira tapped her foot, thinking, then whispered to Veton, "Maybe they're some sort of crazy fan or something?"

Veton laughed, then tried to hide it with a cough. He doubted that they were, practically no one knew what Elders were, at least he thought they didn't.

Emmeline looked at Veton curiously, then asked Elvira, "You asked how I would prove being an Elder to you?"

"I did," Elvira said, "but first I want to know why it looked like you were dying when we first met, and why you're even here in the first place, and it would be nice if you explained how you're an 'Elder' too, and whatever that weird book was that Veton found?"

Before The Elders - A Sky: Children of the Light FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now