Chapter 1: Life as Normal

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"Ruby! Slow down!" A girl's laughter echoed through the vast metallic hallways of the Horde base, followed by the sound of rapid footsteps.

"Then keep up, Jackie!" The other girl snickered, still running ahead. "My legs are shorter than yours, and I'm still faster!"

"Shut up!" Jackie laughed, turning a corner and nearly tripping over her friend. "Hey, why'd you- Oh."

Ruby, with an emotionless expression on her face, had stopped just short of running into Shadow Weaver, who, as usual, looked rather displeased at finding the two girls running through the halls instead of training. Jackie straightens up. "Shadow Weaver. Sorry, we almost ran into you." She offered a strained smile, though it wasn't returned.

"I thought you two were supposed to be training." Shadow Weaver said softly. "Surely, you weren't just messing around?"

"No, o-of course not-" Jackie stammered. "We were just on the way to the locker room-"

Shadow Weaver's skeptical expression did not change. "Run along, then."

Jackie nodded silently, grabbing Ruby's arm and starting towards the locker room with her in tow.

"I hate her SO MUCH!" Ruby whined the second they entered the locker room

Jackie frowned. "Ruby! Don't say tha-"

"Don't say what, that she's awful?!" Ruby cut her off, snapping, then sighed "Look, you shouldn't just let her walk all over you."

"Well, what else do you think I should do?" Jackie mumbled, fidgeting.

"Well, you can be like me! I can't exactly... disagree with her to her face, but I at least recognize her bitchy attitude towards us and everyone else! While you're just trying to excuse her-"

"I mean... Do you think that I don't notice? It's just..." Jackie said, sighing "maybe you're right... she is.. uhh, the B-word"

Ruby, despite her annoyance with Shadow Weaver, chuckled at Jackie's pitiful attempt to not swear, playfully punching her in the arm. "C'mon, we have training to do."

Jackie smiled back. "Alright, alright! Let's get outta here." 

A/N: These chapters will be fairly short, that way we can update regularly! If you have any scenarios you feel would suit Jackie and Ruby, feel free to PM me or comment them! I hope you've enjoyed chapter 1, because there's a lot more to come!

~Red Renard

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