Chapter 5: Breakout

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It had been almost a week since they'd started planning Jackie's escape, and they'd made little to no headway. Jackie was very close to just stealing a skiff and leaving on that instead of focusing on stealth. Ruby, however, was vehemently against this plan of action.

"You'll get caught! What happens then?"

Jackie sighed. "Ruby, I've told you, I'm not worried about it. It'll get me far enough away from the Horde that I can hide properly. I'll figure it out. Just trust me, okay?" She smiled.

Ruby grumbled slightly but nodded. "Alright, I trust you."

"Great!" cheered Jackie, clasping her hands together

"So... do you have an escape plan? Did you come up with anything?" Ruby asked

"Yeah. We'll wake ourselves up late when other cadets are asleep, then we'll steal the key!" replied Jackie. "We'll get into the launch bay, find a skiff, then we'll say our goodbyes and you'll sneak back to bed like nothing ever happened."

"Okay, but how are we going to do that? It's not that simple, you know."

"We just gotta be sneaky, Ruby! It can't be that hard. If it was, how did Adora escape then?"

"Ooohh, Adora. Right, right!" Ruby nodded. "If she can do it, so can we."

"So... Everything is clear now, right? We finally have a good plan."

"Yeah! Let's go get some food, I'm starving!" whined Ruby.

"...You ate like, five minutes ago, but alright, let's go!" giggled Jackie.

Later that night, Ruby sat up, glancing at the clock on the wall. Midnight. It was time. She shook Jackie awake, whispering. "C'mon, Jackie. It's time for you to go."

Jackie rubbed her eyes, mumbling sleepily and sitting up. "Already-?"

"Yeah. Get up now, quick! We don't wanna wake the others up," whispered Ruby.

Jackie slowly got up and clumsily put on her boots, still half asleep "Alright! I'm getting up, have some patience." She mumbled.

As they both finally finished getting ready, Ruby pressed a panel near the door to open it and started heading towards the launch bay.

"Wait, where are you going? We have to get the key first-"

"Oh, you mean this one?" Ruby responded, dangling the key in front of Jackie's face with a smug smile.

"Wha-? How did you-?"

"I have my ways. Now let's go! We don't have all night." interrupted Ruby, unlocking the door to the launch bay and heading towards a skiff.

"O-okay" Jackie nodded slightly as they stopped, tossing a small bag of her belongings onto the skiff. "I guess... this is goodbye for now?"

Ruby nodded hesitantly, looking rather upset.

"Ruby?" Jackie tilted her head, reaching out to put her hand on Ruby's shoulder, noticing the odd glint of tears in the other girl's eyes. "Are you... crying?"

"No. S'just allergies-" Ruby mumbled, her voice thick with tears.

"Right," Jackie chuckled quietly. "Allergies. I'll miss you, Ruby." She pulled her friend into a tight hug, her face in Ruby's hair.

"I-I'M GOING TO MISS YOU TOOOoooOOOOooo!!!!" sobbed Ruby, unable to hold her tears any longer, her voice muffled from pressing her face against Jackie's shoulder.

"There, there-" Jackie tried to comfort her by rubbing her back. She'd never seen Ruby upset like that before.

"We're going to be together again soon, right?" Ruby asked as she finally calmed down, wiping her tears.

"Of course we are," Jackie smiled slightly, nodding.

Ruby felt a little better hearing that. "Alright. Now go, before we get caught. Promise you'll stay safe, okay?" She gave Jackie a slight smile, reluctantly letting go of her.

"I promise." Jackie smiled back at her and hopped onto the skiff and started it up. "Goodbye for now, Ruby. We'll be together again soon, I promise."

"I hope so too." Ruby kept watching her as she drove away on the skiff, farther and farther away until she could no longer see her. "I love you, Jackie. I hope you know that." She whispered and headed back to bed, not falling back asleep for a long time.

A/N: Heh heh heh... Ruby admitted she loves her. I mean, not to Jackie's face, but she admitted it.

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~Red Renard

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