Chapter 4: What's the Plan?

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It had been a couple of days since Ruby's nightmare and the discussion of Jackie leaving the Horde.

It was a normal day in the Horde, the cadets had just finished training and were heading towards the locker room, along with them were Jackie and Ruby.

"Did you see that? Lonnie couldn't lay a finger on me!" bragged Ruby "And the way you fought as well? Amazing! You're getting better."

"You think so?" Jackie blushed and rubbed the back of her neck "Th- thank you."

"No need to thank me, I'm just stating facts." Ruby smiled at her.

Jackie smiled back, but her smile turned into a frown as she looked away from Ruby.

Ruby, noticing this, started panicking a little and put her hand on Jackie's shoulder "Jackie? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Relax Ruby, you did nothing wrong, it's... something else." Jackie put her hand over Ruby's.

"What is it then?" Ruby tilted her head in confusion.

"Let's go somewhere more private and I'll tell you," Jackie replied, grabbing Ruby's hand.

They passed the loud cadets, who were chatting and joking with each other, and as soon as they reached the empty hallway, Jackie started with a sigh. "...Remember yesterday? When I mentioned life outside the Horde?"

Ruby nodded and kept quiet.

"...I don't want to be here anymore. I've been thinking about it lately and..." Jackie drew in a deep breath before continuing. "I'm leaving the Horde."

That caught Ruby off guard, "Are you for real? I thought you were just... thinking about what's outside the horde, are you really leaving?"

Jackie nodded slightly, looking ashamed.

"I-I mean... I respect your wishes, it's your choice," continued Ruby "But still, what am I going to do without you?" she tilted her head slightly, looking troubled.

"Well... what about Lonnie? You guys are friends, aren't you? I think she's nice."

"Lonnie is... cool and all, but she can't replace you! There's only one of you," replied Ruby.

"Well... why don't we just run away together?" Jackie gave Ruby a hopeful smile.

That made Ruby jump a little "I can't. If both of us just run away like that, everyone will figure out that something is off, not to mention that Shadow Weaver HATES me and holds like, billions of grudges against me! She's definitely going to hurt me, she's definitely going to hurt YOU!" she said, panicking. "And who knows what Hordak will do to us? It's too risky..."

"...So, what are we going to do then?" sighed Jackie, her face falling.

"I think you should go alone, even if it means leaving me. We'll find a way to hang out somehow, right? I'll be fine!" Ruby put on an unconvincing smile.

Jackie looked skeptical but nodded. "Alright. For your sake, I hope you're right-"

"So, we need a plan, yes? How are you going to leave?"

"I was thinking about stealing a skiff, honestly. Too obvious?" Jackie hastily added the last bit, seeing the look on Ruby's face.

"A bit."

Jackie sighed. "Fine. What do you suggest then? I can't exactly just walk out of the Horde."

"I don't know. We'll figure something out, alright?" Ruby smiled hopefully, and Jackie nodded.


A/N: *chanting* Escape the Horde, Escape the Horde, Escape the Horde, Escape the Hor-

Not to worry, Chapter 5 is in the works!

~Red Renard

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