Chapter 8: Missing You

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It'd been a few days since Jackie was captured and questioned. She'd run into Adora mid-questioning. Luckily, she recognized Jackie and convinced everyone that she was harmless. A few of the rebels were still suspicious, but if She-Ra trusted this newcomer, then they could too.

The rebels were on the way to a village being invaded by the Horde. Jackie was feeling particularly nervous, this being the first time seeing her old friends since she'd left. She was all fidgety, nervously tugging on a lock of her hair. Soon enough, they approached the village. There were shouts and cries of panic coming from all directions.

Ruby was one of the Horde soldiers invading the village. It was her first day as a soldier, and she already hated it. She felt absolutely terrible she had to hurt these innocent people, but since Jackie was no longer by her side, she could no longer share that with anyone. She was jolted from her thoughts by the Princesses' arrival. She decided to try her best to not hurt innocent villagers while defending herself against the Princesses attacks. She kept fighting until she spotted... Jackie? She stopped for a second as her heart skipped a beat, but was brought back to reality by a punch to the shoulder. Well, Jackie was safe and that's all that mattered. She fought back against her attacker, trying not to deal any particularly deadly blows.

Jackie joined the battle, trying her best to fight off the horde soldiers. This was her first time in a true battle, and she was fighting alongside the Princesses instead of the Horde. One of the Horde soldiers came at her, going to attack, then another jumped as well, barreling into the first. Jackie, panicking, aimed a punch at the second Horde Soldier, nailing them square in the gut.

"Damn, Jackie," The soldier chuckled weakly, holding their stomach. "Missed you too."

"Ruby?!" Jackie squeaked, yanking the helmet off the soldier she had punched. Sure enough, it was her best friend.

Ruby grinned slightly. "Let's get out of here. I don't like punching Princesses very much."

Jackie nodded and together, they snuck off into the woods.

After a bit, they stop walking. The pair was far enough away from the battle that the sounds of it were muffled by the trees.

Jackie sighed, leaning against a tree trunk. "I can't believe we're fighting on opposite sides of a war... Y'know-" She chuckled, "This wasn't the reunion I'd pictured."

"What did you have in mind, then?" Ruby laughed.

"I dunno, but there was a lot more crying on my part." Jackie shrugged.

Ruby snorted. "Sounds about right." This rewarded her with a light punch in the arm from Jackie, who was laughing.

"Anyway, how's the Horde been since I left?" asked Jackie.

"Agh, don't even ask me about it!" Ruby leaned against a tree and continued. "Everyone kept asking about you, they wouldn't leave me alone! Now everyone's teasing me and-"

Jackie cut her off, pressing a finger to her lips. "I get it." She sighed. "I left and now you're having to deal with the fallout. Sorry..."

Ruby tilted her head slightly, mumbling from behind Jackie's finger. "It's fine, really. Nothing I can't handle." She feigned an attempt at a smile. Jackie merely dropped her hand and sighed.

"It'd be so much easier if you joined the rebellion too..."

Ruby sighed. "I wish I could..."

"What exactly is stopping you?" Jackie tilted her head.

"The thing is, Shadow Weaver is already freaking out over the fact that Adora left, and then you left too! If I leave as well, she'll go nuts! I can't let her hurt us too. We don't know what she's capable of. I'm..." She looked down at their feet, then back at her friend's face, speaking softly. "I'm scared, Jackie."

Jackie stayed silent, not knowing how to respond. This was a new side of Ruby she had only seen once before, on the night she left the Horde. This was the scared, vulnerable side of Ruby.

"B-but hey! I can tell you about the Horde's plans, right? I can be a spy!" Ruby tried to lighten the mood a bit, clearly trying to cover up her brief moment of vulnerability.

"Ruby!" Jackie shook her head. "You know that isn't safe! What will Hordak do to you if he finds out you're leaking the Horde's plans?!"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is keeping you from hurting yourself in a fight you weren't prepared for." Ruby mumbled, turning away slightly.

"And what about you, Ruby? What happens when you aren't prepared?"

Ruby didn't answer. What was she supposed to say? That she didn't care what happened to her as long as Jackie was okay? That she was perfectly okay with being injured or exiled if it meant keeping Jackie safe?

"You know me! I'm never not prepared. I can handle this." Ruby answered after a while, though she was unsure about the sincerity of her own words.

"I sure hope so." Jackie sighed. "We'd better get back before any notices we're gone."

Ruby nodded slightly, crossing her arms. "Be safe, okay?"


Ruby smiled slightly at Jackie, then turned and ran off. Jackie watched her go, then headed off as well. There was one of two ways this could go: They could either get away with sneaking out of battle to see each other, or they get found out and suffer the consequences.

A/N: I enjoyed writing this chapter, honestly. I love writing soft Ruby moments. What should Ruby and Jackie's ship name be? sleepyycats_ and I are struggling a bit.

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~Red Renard

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