Yup Jennie really did kill Jisoo 💸

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The day after interviews were done, jisoo took her file with the information about the interviewees, containing their photos and portfolios. She REALLY wanted to see Jennie's reaction of seeing her soon-to-be-boo in their very own, very expensive building. Would jennie be nervous? Maybe. Would she be able to maintain her professionalism? Probably. Would she make a fool out of herself? Most definitely yes, and she can't wait to witness that.

Jisoo went upstairs, the top floor where jennie and jisoo had their very own private cafeteria, perks of being a boss. As much as she loved eating lunch with her fellow employees, sometimes she just wanted the peace and quite the that the top floor offered.

Reaching the said floor finally jisoo let out a huff because she hated walking up stairs. So as to not get their quite sanctuary be destroyed by her beloved, though pesky workers, the two J's thought it would be better to construct actual frickin stairs that was connected to their office only. It got really annoying for both of their lazy asses after the beauty of a new toy vanished which was, in record time, not more than 2 days. 

Thankfully jennie wasn't there and she had the whole floor to herself, hey now don't judge her, interviews can be TOUGH. Especially when there was a chick who almost made her loose her cool during the interview. The fact that the ones she had chosen to hire was on unethic the basis of their skills and not looks (which were just an added bonus). 

No she herself had no intentions of pursuing any sort of workplace relationship outside of friends/acquaintances, because in jisoo's way of living she considered that unethical. But she COULD appreciate beautiful, sexy, confident things in a non-creepy way. She was no pervert, ok yeah she was but she was no creep who thirsted on whatever hot piece of ass the could find.

Now all she had to do was just wait for the day after tomorrow to see jennie's reaction of her newest almost-crush working under her. At least there was some place where this new tall maybe-love-of-jennie's-life would be under her tiny ass. 

Jisoo could simply just taste the amusement she was without a doubt be able to witness for a few months. Jennie was the lowkey the funniest when she had a crush and highkey the most savage when she went through a breakup no matter how much she was hurting. 

She just hoped these new employees were leaning, even a little bit, on the female side. She would hate to see jennie getting heartbroken again. Her last breakup was a little... messy.

The last thing on Jisoo's mind was the stranger with that confident smirk and legs for days. Hopefully, Lalisa wouldn't be too distracting and will not force jisoo to question her moral ethic rule when it came to work. And then she went and started playing animal crossing, and alternated with PUBG when one became a little boring.

That is how Jennie found jisoo, head way too much immersed in her games that she forgot to acknowledge jennie's presence. Jennie prided herself in being boss bitch so she had to do something in order to get jisoo's attention on her. 

She did the first thing which came into her mind, which she wouldn't really consider a boss bitch move but that is all she could think of in the first 5 seconds.

She took the last few pieces of chicken and ate it without a care. When she reached her last piece of KFC hot wings she just let out a big food moan, "Mhmm~ now that hits the right spot." She did that for 2 main reasons: 1. jisoo's stank face was way too funny to see and she would do anything to see that face again, and 2. chicken is just a really good food to get a foodgasm with.

As expected, Jisoo's stank face was A+, but the way her stank face morphed from disgusted to surprise to betrayal and finally anger when she narrowed her eyes at J. Jennie looked proud and smirked sassily, maintaining eye contact with a jisoo who looked threateningly at her. The sound of her character dying broke jisoo out of their weird sisterly fight thingy. 

"Now i really can't wait for the new employees to show up" jisoo muttered under her breath. "What was that?" Jennie asked, still having a shit-eating grin on her face.

"Nothing just said can't wait to bash your head in a wall" jisoo laughed and said loudly, getting up from her resting place. The two of them ended up playing an exhausting game of Tag. This game reminded them of their younger days when they would fight over dolls and cars. The Kims have always been close, almost like a family now.

They both thought they would end up together in future as something other than friends, but as soon as they thought that both felt disgusted because they were practically sisters by now. And imagining your sister as a girlfriend is just disgusting.


 Jennie, as soon as she woke up had a feeling of dread washing over her. Like a 6th sense activating that today she was really going to embarrass herself infront of someone important. 

She shook off that feeling and made her way to the office. As soon as she walked in, she tripped over her stupid short legs and was about to fall when a pair of long arms caught her. This person with long arms, who was definitely taller than her CURSE THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE, stabled her and left her. 

She wasn't touch-starved in any way but she still missed the feeling of arms around her. She soon opened her eyes and could not believe her eyes. 

The high/deep voiced angel was right infront of her, realization visible on her face. 

"YOU!" They both yelled out at the same time.

Before anything more could transpire between them, Jennie let out a string of profanities, all about killing jisoo in some sort. 

Jennie "power-walked" again before the beautiful stranger could say anything.

"Kim Jisoo you are sooooo dead." Yup chaeyoung was going to enjoy her job here.


1K worded chapter as an apology for a looooooong delay in updates. This was more like a filler, setting up a strong base for the characters and for the main and side plot.

yea this had a lot of lisoo too, which will be here a lot bec lisa is lit rally my first bias and jisoo being the wrecker. It is easy to write ChaeNnie fanfic than LiSoo imo

but yea my side plot for this fic is LiSoo, please try and enjoy that too! it will mean a lot.



lowkey not proof read, will do that later pls don't be too harsh on me 😩

Perfection || Chaennie LisooTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang