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It was a warm summer's evening. The light that shone down upon the Earth was glistening with joy and wonder. The black plastic blinds of this boy's room shut off most of this wonder though. Dust covered every surface, making the room look more like a dumb rather than a habitable home. A mix of dirty and clean clothes scrambled into one corner of the room. The smell of old food lingered into every inch of every object. A lone computer, fitted with mostly gaming technology suited to play even the heavier video games, sat apart from the rest of the dusty furniture. Yet it seemed to be the least messy. A wardrobe half empty laid across from the low bed, towering over it like a guardsman. Beside the bed sat an old bedside table, fitted with pots, a plate, a lamp, and an alarm clock. The bed seemed occupied however.

Jack. The boy who lay in the bed.
The alarm clock read 12:32. Jack would usually be at school by now, but with it being the weekend he lay in bed without a care in the world. Suddenly the creaky door slid open.

"Jack..? Jack come on not again.." Jack's mother spoke with a face of concern. She was an ordinary person, kind caring, and seemed to actually think straight. She wasnt the cleanest either, but she tries her best.

"Jack come on it's time to wake up now.." She had walked over, trying not to step on any bits on the room's floor. "Jack please.."

Finally the corpse awoke from its slumber. They raised an arm to stretch, then opened their dreaded eyes slowly, proceeding with a yawn. "There you go.. food's arrived hun get yourself dressed.." The mother spoke sternly yet with a gentle tone. Jack without saying a word slowly flopped up on the bed, stretching again. His mother had left the room taking a few pots with her.

Jack looked at his alarm, standing up in a tired state. "Damn, failed me again old friend.." He said shaking his head chuckling at himself. He picked his alarm up and set it to his school alarm. One more day of nothing before school tomorrow.

Jack had gotten dressed, headed down stairs, and collected his food at the table, sitting down to eat it. Seems the whole house was similar to Jack's room. Though, his was still by far the most messy. "You gonna pick up on your chores young man? You've been more lazy ever since Victoria moved houses a few days ago." His mother stated, in the process of washing pots and dishes from all over the house. "I will I will.." He said finishing his food quickly before standing up again. Without a word he rushed outside to begin.

After around an hour or two Jack finished cleaning the small garden, bathroom, his room and the living room in one sitting. He walked outside to take a trash bag into the bins outside. He placed it in, then noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

He turned to look, and there stood a young girl looking right at him with a big smile. Her hazel eyes seemed to almost glow along with her brown hair. Her clothes seemed to be of rich origin and her smile could melt anyone's heart. It was Victoria.

Jack's Childhood Friend.

Story: The Guardian Of MythsWhere stories live. Discover now