Once A Human, Now A Mystery...

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"I promise you this is real.. I'm real.. it's still me Jack.." Victoria stood in dread, expecting the boy to hate her.. The anxiety and the pain that filled her mind made her believe in nothing but her self..

Jack suddenly walked forwards.. With surprise Victoria stepped back against the wall, and as Jack approached she received a hug from him. "I.. what?" Victoria was confused.. "Why did you do it..?" Asked Jack.. "You said something about this before.. I remember.. but I thought you were talking nonsense.. what the hell happened.. how did you-" Jack was silenced by Victoria's finger, as she put her hood up on her small jacket and hid her tail. A moment later Jack stepped away from Victoria, as his mother walked in the room.

"Jack? Oh.. Hello Victoria." Jack's mother didnt know he brought Victoria inside, yet she greeted her with a smile. "I'm sorry, I didnt know my son was going to bring girls inside this afternoon." She spoke, followed by a small chuckle. Jack stamped his foot picking up a pillow, and throwing it as the door out of embarrassment. "Mooom! We talked about this!" Jack went over and closed the door, leaving his mother outside his room. "I'm sorry but I told you not to do that!" Jack shouted from behind the door. Victoria was chuckling behind him. It was a gentle laugh. "Wh- Hey it's not funny! Vicky!" Jack called out to her. As she let out a louder laugh before speaking. "Oh your funny Jackie.." "Dont call me that!" He replied. "Then dont call me Vicky, dummy." She stuck her tongue out at him. "Why are you so hard to argue withhhh" Jack complained. "Because, I always have a come back for you, besides... I'm a mystery." She said chuckling.

For the rest of that night, Victoria turned back into her Human form, and the two teased each other around the house until Victoria passed out on the sofa, and Jack slept in his own bed..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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