1: Friday

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Jimin and Jungkook walked through the streets. They were laughing and joking around. He felt grateful to have a best friend like him. The sun had just gone down, and the night crowds were beginning to fill the sidewalks. For once, he felt content with the world.

The first time Jungkook had literally run into him was somewhat cliché. Jimin was in line behind him at a coffee shop. Jungkook turned around to leave a little too fast and ended up spilling his drink on the older. As an apology, he asked if he could buy Jimin ice cream. That all happened about ten months ago. They had their arguments here and there, but what friends don't?

"Hey, Chim, what do you think about going in there?" Jungkook asked, pointing at a cute little thrift shop on the corner. The sign above the door was painted in pastels.

"Why not?" Jimin smiled, and the pair walked in together. Jimin really didn't need to spend any more money than he already had that day. But it never hurt to look around, right?

At some point, the two separated while browsing, and Jimin ended up in the clothing section. Jungkook was somewhere on the other side of the store looking at god only knows what. Jimin casually browsed through the men's and women's sections. There were a few cute sweaters and other shirts that he grabbed. The prices were too good to resist.

By the time Jungkook dragged Jimin out, Jimin had accumulated two small plastic bags of new clothes. He realized that he shouldn't have allowed himself in that store in the first place. His butterfingers had a hard time holding onto money.


"Jimin, why are you like this?"

The man laughed, "Blame the game, not the player."

"That's not even the saying!" Taehyung giggled so hard he fell on his side, almost pulling Jin down with him. Three bottles of soju lay empty at his side.

"Now every time someone asks what your parents hid from you," Namjoon smirked and pointed at Jimin, "You have to say 'Harry Potter erotica' or your whole life is pointless."

"But why would you and Momma Jinnie hide Harry Potter smut from me?"

"I think cards against humanity is corrupting all of you," Jin shook his head. He pressed the tip of his forefinger into his temple and stared down at his cards. Trying to ignore the idiots around him was proving to be very hard.

Jungkook squinted at the eldest, "Don't act like you aren't corrupted."

"Who said I wanted you to be like me?"

"Anyway," Tae gasped dramatically as he pulled himself together, "Who's next?"

"Me," Namjoon says excitedly as he flips a black card over. He read it aloud to the group, "Honey, mommy, and daddy love you very much. But apparently, mommy loves- blank- more than she loves daddy." He sat the card on the floor in the center and waited for everyone else to lay down a white card. Jimin secretly showed his white card to Tae and the two busted out in a fit of giggles. Jin was smirking the whole time -which scared Namjoon just a little- and Jungkook was completely calm.

Once all of the cards were laid in the center, Joon picked them up and shuffled. He smiled as Jimin cutely leaned into Taehyung's side with a sleepy look on his face.

"Okay first card," Namjoon took a deep breath, "Honey, mommy, and daddy love you very much. But apparently, mommy loves the devil himself more than she loves daddy." A few snickers sounded around the circle, but nothing too crazy so he continued. "Apparently mommy loves becoming a blueberry more than she loves daddy."

Jimin sucked in a breath to keep himself from laughing. No one really seemed to find that extremely funny except for Taehyung. But he found everything funny. At times like this, Jimin really realized why Tae had become one of his closest friends.

"Apparently mommy loves daddy issues more than she loves daddy," Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows and then looked up, "How would that work?"

Jin shook his head, "You're supposed to be smart, Joon."

Namjoon rolled his eyes and Jimin and Tae started giggling again.

Jungkook chuckled slightly, "And this is what the card meant about loving daddy issues more than daddy."

"Okay, shut up. Last one. Honey, mommy, and daddy love you very much. But apparently, mommy loves daddy's credit card more than she loves daddy."

Everyone around the circle laughed their asses off at the last one. It wasn't even that much funnier than the others, but the look on Namjoon's face set it off.

The man held the offending card up, "Who put this down?"

Jin raised his hand while trying to fight off his windshield-wiper laughs. Jimin wiped his watery eyes, "Looks like Jin really does love daddy issues."

The three others snickered harder- if that was even possible. "I always knew that there was some ulterior motive for you to be with Namjoon, momma Jin," Tae smiled.

Namjoon scowled, "For the last time we aren't the parents of this group."

Jin smacked his arm lightly, "Yes we are. Let the younguns look up to us, Namjerk."

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