5: Friday

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"Good luck, Jiminie. You have Hoseok up there with you, so don't worry," Taehyung smiled and gave Jimin a bear hug. They backed away and did their 'secret' handshake, proud of themselves of not messing it up for once. Jimin decided to take that as a good omen for the performance.

He giggled, "Thank you for coming, Tae."

"You know I always do."

"I know, I know. Now go get to your seat, it's starting soon," Jimin smiled.

Tae wished Jimin one last good luck before running off to find his ticket-assigned seat. Jimin inhaled deeply to calm himself and then walked over to Hobi and the rest of the competition team.

Hoseok was their leader, and Jimin was second in command since he helped to form the team. There were five other members, Dino, Hoshi, Wooyoung, Yunho, and Minho. Each of them had bonded like a small family. All of them were astounding dancers who put a lot of work into their art.

Everyone, except for Hoseok and Jimin, was still doing costume touch-ups. Jimin went over and helped Wooyoung adjust the collar of his shirt. "Thank you," Wooyoung said. His voice was a bit softer than usual, and he seemed somewhat shaky.

"Any time," Jimin smiled, giving him a pat on the shoulder, "Don't overthink this too much, Woo. You'll do amazing just like you always do."

"I know... it's just... the guy I like and am kind of unofficially dating came to watch. I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of him," Wooyoung admitted with a small blush.

Jimin cooed at the guy. "Good thing we have a sexy concept then," he teased.


All of the dance teams were lined up on the stage in the order that they competed. Hoseok's team was the fourth one down. Jimin and the others nervously huddled together and shifted from foot to foot as they waited for the results to be announced. First place would win money to use for whatever they want.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jimin caught sight of Minkyun and Taehyung laughing together about something. Tae had probably told a joke- he was always the type to do that. Jimin didn't even know that his boyfriend had come to watch until he had walked out on stage for the performance earlier.

The mc tapped on the microphone to get everyone's attention. He bowed and began talking. Jimin was a bit tired, but he continued to pay attention to the speaker the best he could. He probably just needed a sugary snack or soda, and then he'd be fine. Hobi looked over at him with a soft smile and then back to the announcer.

"Third place goes to Mixed," the guy says, and the farthest team on the left cheers and walks up to claim their trophy, "Congratulations." The team took their prize and then went back to their spot on stage. After the clapping died down, the ceremony continued. "Second place goes to Lost Dynasty," once again, another round of cheering consumed the building as the second team claimed their prize.

Jimin would be lying if he said that it didn't make him nervous. His team either got first or didn't place at all. Taking into consideration that there were still a lot of other teams, he lost a little bit of hope. 

"And now first place, the winners of the money prize, goes to Hope World dance team!"

Jimin's eyes widened as Hobi screeched and shook Jimin, "We did it!"

The team walked up and got their prize. Jimin was still speechless as he stared out at the crowd. Taehyung and Minkyun were clapping enthusiastically. Hoseok thanked everyone and then stepped back with the team. Jimin was assigned to holding their trophy while Hoseok and Minho ended up holding the giant check. Everyone was a happy, smiling mess, and Jimin couldn't have felt more relief in his life. That same feeling always came to him when his hard work paid off.

After taking pictures, the dance crews were all ushered off stage to get changed and pack up anything they had brought with. Hobi was given the actual check, and you could see how proud he was.

"So, you all worked hard on this... and we did it! We won just like I knew we could. I don't really know what to do with this money, though. It feels sorta wrong for us to use it on ourselves," Hoseok spoke.

Dino raised his hand slightly to catch his friends' attention, "What if we use it for a scholarship type of thing at the studio. For kids who don't have enough money to pay for lessons and such."

Hoseok smiled, "Perfect." And everyone else couldn't agree more.


Minkyun, Jimin, Tae, and Hoseok all sat around a corner booth at a small restaurant in Seoul. Taehyung originally wanted to take Jimin out for a celebratory dinner, but when Jimin saw that Hobi had no one to do that with he invited the man along with. Of course, Minkyun came too. Jimin couldn't be happier that he got to share this moment with a few of the most important people in his life. If only Jungkook, Jin, and Namjoon could've been there.

"You guys did really good out there," Taehyung complimented, "I've seen it so many times, but I just can not get over Jimin's duality."

Jimin blushed at the shower of compliments, "It's all thanks to Hobo. He did most of the work with choreography and teaching everyone."

"Shut up, Jimin," Hoseok smiled and poked his shoulder, "You did just as much work as I did. You helped the other members when they struggled. You don't give yourself enough credit."

Jimin shook his head and sighed. Just then, the waitress came over and put their food on the table. "Enjoy the food," she smiled, "And please let me know if you need anything."

"Now, all we have to worry about for a while is the parent's day at the studio," Jimin sighed.

Hoseok chuckled, "You act like it's the end of the world."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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