2: Sunday

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Jimin sat alone in the living room of his small apartment, watching whatever came on TV. It didn't take long for him to start getting bored with the stupid reality shows that were on every channel. Eventually, he gave up and just put on some music.

Jimin didn't know what to do with himself, so he did the thing he loved most. Dance.

He bopped all around his home. From the living room to the kitchen and then to the bedroom and back, Jimin was everywhere. He even free-styled some choreography ideas for an upcoming competition he would be in.

Hoseok, one of Jimin's good friends, was the owner of Hope Dance Studio. Two years ago, when Jimin had been out of a job, he had begun working for the man, and he enjoyed every moment of it. For the most part, Jimin taught dance classes for younger kids. He was better with them than any of the other employees because of his patience level. But, outside of work, Hoseok and Jimin started a competitive dance team with a few other people that they knew.


The man jumped and his eyes shot to the door. Taehyung and Jungkook were standing there with smug looks on their faces.

"I told you to knock when you come over unannounced!" Jimin whined as he turned the music down. They walked in, and Taehyung closed the door behind them.

"We did. You just didn't hear us," Jungkook said, plopping himself down on the couch. Jimin huffed and went to the bathroom to wash his sweaty face. Taehyung followed him and leaned against the doorframe.

"Have you rested and eaten at all today?" he asked.

Jimin nodded slowly as he dried off. "Yeah, I had eggs for breakfast this morning, a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch this afternoon, and I was sitting on my couch just before you got here."

"That's good," Taehyun smiled, "As long as you aren't overworking yourself."

"So why'd come over anyway?" Jimin asked when they went back to the living room.

"I was just coming over to visit you and I ran into Jungkook in the hallway outside."

"Why were you just out in the hallway?" Jimin asked the other, laughing.

"Do you remember my friend Yoongi?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, a little. Why?"

"He asked me to help him move today, but I never asked exactly where he was moving. Turns out he's your next-door neighbor now," Jungkook said. "Thankfully, he doesn't have a lot of stuff, so it didn't take long at all."

"Now we're both here to spend time with you!" Taehyung smiled and sat down next to Jungkook on the couch. Jimin sat on the youngest's other side.

After turning the tv back on, he opened the YouTube app and handed the remote to Taehyung to find something to watch. Jungkook pulled the blanket off the back of the couch. He unfolded it, with a little help from Jimin, and then threw it over all three of their legs. Jungkook sighed as he waited impatiently for Tae to find something.

"How did you and Yoongi even become friends? Isn't he, like, four years older than you?" Jimin asked.

"He is not four years older than me," Jungkook said indignantly.

"Kook, how old is Yoongi?"

"Twenty-four," he replied.

"Okay, now, how old are you?"

"Twenty," Jungkook said and then it dawned on him, "Ok, so, I guess he is about four years older than me."

Jimin snickered, "I was worried you couldn't do simple math for a second."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Anyway, he and I met at music school. My piano teacher had kids from her senior class come in to mentor us, the freshmen, and Yoongi was assigned as my partner for a recital thingy."

"Oh," Jimin nodded, "So you've been friends for a while."


"Finally! Just what I was looking for. The perfect video," Taehyung shouted.

Jimin rubbed his temples. Tae was gonna get them a noise complaint before long.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "What is your obsession with cute dog compilations?"

"Dogs are life, bro."

"Don't call me that again, weirdo," Jungkook laughed. 

Neighbors (Rewritten) // YoonMinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ