3: Monday

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On Monday morning, Jimin woke up with his boyfriend, Minkyun, lying next to him. Jimin sat up as slowly as possible and exited the bedroom. He went on with his usual morning routine. Showering, brushing his teeth, washing his face, and getting dressed for the day. Afterward, he began to make breakfast for two.

Once he had finished, he decided to go ahead and eat by himself. Minkyun was often complaining about being tired because of his job. He needed all the sleep he could get, besides Jimin had to leave soon anyway. Jimin wrapped the uneaten plate of pancakes and bacon in foil. He put it in the fridge and wrote a note saying that there was food for him there. Jimin put the note on the counter and then left for the studio.

During the walk to work, Jimin noticed how gray the sky looked. Thankfully, he made it there before it began raining.

"What's up, Shorty?" Hoseok, who was sitting at the front desk, asked.

Jimin scowled, "The sky."

"Haha very funny and original," he laughed.

"I try," Jimin sassily brushed his imaginary long hair out of his face.

"Your classes today are canceled by the way."

"Why?" Jimin asked, suddenly forgetting to be angry about being called short. He loved his job a lot and it brightened his day to see little kids laughing and smiling.

Hobi explained to him that a lot of parents called to say that their kids wouldn't be attending because of the storms that Seoul was supposed to get. A lot of the kids were scared of lightning and thunder, and others just didn't want to take a chance driving in the heavy rain. "Since so many people were calling in, I decided to just cancel it."

"That sucks," Jimin sighed as he sat his bag down on the floor.

"The good news is that you'll get off of work an hour or so early today," Hoseok laughed.

"So what is our schedule until then?"

"You can either help with my adult classes or practice on your own. Then after lunch, I thought we could have the team come in to practice together."

"Okay, that sounds good to me. I'll just go work on some stuff for my classes later this week," Jimin said as he grabbed a bottle of water from the mini-fridge under the desk. He picked up his bag and started to walk away.

"Don't forget to take breaks!" Hoseok called to him.

"Yeah yeah," Jimin rolled his eyes, "See ya later."


Jimin unlocked his door and walked into the apartment. He got off of work about two hours earlier than normal, but because of the pouring rain, he was now drenched in water. Jimin loved being in the rain a lot but not when it was freezing. When he went to the kitchen, he noticed that Minkyun had left him a note thanking him for the food.

Jimin sighed and glanced around. The apartment was clean, so he didn't need to do that. He was sore from practice, so he didn't want to dance more. The only entertaining thing Jimin could think to do was to sit on his balcony and watch the rain. So he slid on his favorite, over-sized hoodie and did just that. He played calming music quietly on his phone and sat there.

"You're gonna get sick sitting outside like that," a voice he didn't recognize said from a place he couldn't identify.

Jimin looked around with his eyebrows drawn together, "What?"

A vaguely familiar man appeared in the door of the neighboring balcony, "I said that you'll get sick. You're crazy for sitting in the rain like that."

"So? I'm not sitting in the rain," Jimin said, "How's that any of your business anyway?"

The man paused for a second and then smiled, "Hey, aren't you Jungkook's best friend?"

"Um, yeah?"

"I'm Yoongi, we've met before," the man by the door said.

Jimin's eyes widened, "I'm sorry for not recognizing you. You look different now."

"Well, I've cut and dyed my hair blue since the last time you saw me. It's only natural that I look a little different," Yoongi shrugged.

Jimin hummed and looked back out at the rain. A sudden crack of thunder caught him by surprise and made him jump. Yoongi's chuckling brought his attention back.

"Jungkook mentioned something about you living nearby. I didn't know you were right next door, though."

"You'll have to come over and hang out with the group some time," Jimin smiled. 

Neighbors (Rewritten) // YoonMinWhere stories live. Discover now