Chapter 6: Someone Save Me: Daddy's Girl

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I quickly woke up from my dream. I sat straight up drenched in nothing but sweat. I just can't believe how much my mind has been going crazy these last past weeks. It went from being mommy's little girl to being a little girl lost in her own world. I mean how is a 10 year old girl suppose to feel? I really do miss how things use to be.

It's already December and today is christmas eve. Christmas may not even feel like how it use to be anymore. I think my one christmas wish that I've been wanting will never happen. I woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes, eggs and bacon filling the air. Yay! Mommy is cooking my favorite. YUM! I quickly rush down the steps  knocking down one of my toys on the floor and pulled a chair up in the kitchen. 

"Raven! What have I told you about running in the house?" Mommy's voice said stern.

"Sorry mommy. You're cooking my favorite!." I replied back in an excited tone.

"Well still no running baby." Mommy came close to me and kissed me on the forehead.

"Okay." I agreeded while waiting for the food to be put on the table.

There was a dead silence in the kitchen for about 10 seconds. Then mommy finally broke it.

"Tell me something sweetie. How do you like Raymond?" She asked me while flipping the cooked pancake on a plate. "I know I've been in and out the house constantly working and Raymond has been here a lot, but do you like him?"

"Uhhh umm.." My words were coming out slowly and right before I was about to say something I got interrupted.

"Goodmorning baby." Mommy's boyfriend came into the kitchen and gave mommy a kiss.

"Goodmorning sweetie." Mommy replied back.

"Smells good in here. I love it when you make pancakes." He said to her while grabbing her close to him.

Mommy laughed to herself. "Behave."

I didn't know what else to think. It's always something. Mommy really likes this dirty guy and he makes her happy. But he's constantly hurting me. Why? 

"Breakfast is ready!" Mommy said while putting the food onto the kitchen table.

I sat in my chair looking at it. "I'm not really hungry. Can I go to my room?" 

"Baby you were just pratically drooling over these pancakes just a second ago. What's wrong?"

"I'm fine. I just don't feel like eating right now. That's all." I said to Mommy lying. I just don't want to be around Mommy's boyfriend. He makes me sick!

"Well okay baby. I'll bring them up to your room later if you want." Mommy tired to make me feel better.

"No that's okay mommy." I said back as I got up from the table and walked up the stairs into my room and slapped the door shut.

"Wow I wonder what's gotten into her!" Mommy raises her eyebrows up in shock.

"I don't know babe." Mommy's boyfriend said back to her.

"Hmm..she's been acting real strange lately and it's definately not like her to not eat her food. Has anything been going on with her that you've noticed?" Mommy asked.

"Nah nothing crazy. She's been acting regular around me. Maybe it's something at school." Mommy's boyfriend suggested.

"Hmmm..mabye. I don't know seems like something really really serious is going on with my baby. You sure nothing out of the ordinary has been happening to her?" Mommy asked again.

"Nah baby. I'm sure. Maybe she's just having a hard time adjusting to us being together. You know its been a while since she's seen me. I'm pretty sure she is fine. You know she is about to be 11 soon and that's that pre-teen stage. She's getting older babe." Mommy's boyfriend tried to explain to her TUH as if what he's saying is right. YEAH RIGHT!

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