Cute/Hot Things To Say/Text Him/Her

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"Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great untill I ran out of stars"

"I sent an angel to look over you at night. The angel came back a minute later and I asked it why. It told me Angels don't watch other angels.".

(cheesy (; )

"If you held up 11 roses into a mirror, you'd be looking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the world."

"I miss you when I'm not with you....when I'm not with you all I do is think about you...when I think about you I just want to be with you....and when I'm with you it's like all of my dreams have come true."

"God was showing off when He created you."

(hehe cheeky)

"I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other."

"look into my eyes and you'll find me. look into my heart and you'll find you"

"I put a tear in the ocean when you find it I'll stop loving you"

"If I died and went to heaven and God asked me what I'd like to come back as I'd say a tear; So I can be born in your eyes, roll down your cheek and die on your lips."

"A while ago I wished upon a shooting star that one day I would maybe find love. Holding you here in my arms makes me realize that wishes do come true."

"I need you (Name). Like the roses need the rain. Like the poet needs the pain. I just can't live without you."

"When I'm near you I'm a better Me and when you're away I'm only half the man I want to be."

"Had an X-ray today, guess what they found? You. Safely tucked away in my heart. They said my heart is fine with a girl like you in it."

"I say I love you so much because I never know if one day one of us will end up in the hospital and I want your last feeling to be me loving you.".

(I love you so much Kiara. You're perfect baby<3)

"Last night I wanted to send you a message, but all I could write was, noh ss!w !. It didn't make much sense until I read it upside down."

"Life without you, it isn life at all."

"1 minute with you is better than eternity anywhere else."

"If Santa asks me what christmas gift I want, I'll tell him that he can't afford it. For you are a gift not just for one christmas, but for all seasons to come. One you is more than enough for all lifetimes."

"Before we ever met you were my dream girl/guy, and even now that you've become a reality I still go to sleep every night thinking about you because you're the one I want to wake up with next to me"


"Hey babe. I just got out of the shower and started massaging my body lotion all over me. I got hot thinking about something youd do to me"

You: “Hey babe. I’m in the garden planting some new shrubs. How deep should I make the holes?”

Him: “12 inches should be deep enough”

You: “Great…you know how I like it deep :) ”

"I’m trying on these new bras, but I need a second opinion. Care to share your thoughts?"

When he/she asks what you’re doing, tell him you just got out of the shower. (;

"I know you have a busy day ahead of you, but could you add me on to your to-do list?"

"Guess what I’m wearing right now."

"Don’t waste all of your energy at work today. You’ll need some extra energy for tonight..."

"My legs are missing you in between them."

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