Cute Things To Do For Him/Her

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Changing it up a bit guys (: either way theyre still cute (;



1) Get flowers for her, for no reason at all, just because (;

2) Make her a card!! Well, its even cuter if you make it yourself, but cards are always cute either way.

3) Hug her!!!  If she is upset, pull her in for a hug rather than a kiss. This will let her know that you're there for her rather than making her feel like she has to satisfy you with kisses in her time of need.

4) Give her little gifts or surprises<3 Little things mean the most.

5) Never be afraid to ask her how far she is willing to go romantically. She wont have to worry about you taking advantage of her, and she will be excited to go however far with you!

6) Play with her hair<3 but dont be annoying.

7) Put your arms around her waist when you are standing behind her. I just find this one cute because it shows how romantic the room could get [:

8) Tell her she is beautiful, not hot. Most girls would rather be called beautiful. (unless shes horny (; )

9) Always pay attention to her. A little ignorance will make her feel upset or even hurt her.

10) Don't be too serious. Girls love a guy with a sense of humor.

11) Be gentle and know how to touch her right

12) Pamper her when she's sick. Make her meals, let her rest, bring movies to watch together.

13) Remember little things she says in conversations with you and bring them up later. She'll be flattered that you would remember.

14) Wrap your arms around her waist whenever you get the chance to.

15) When walking sometimes pull her close and kiss her forehead. I just find that the cutest (;


1) Write "I love you" in hidden places. Your boyfriend would expect you to write "I love you" at the end of a letter or a text message, but he won't expect to see it written in the steam after his shower, in the hot sauce on his morning omelet, or on a blank page of his notebook that he sees when he's about to take notes for class. Finding a creative and unique place to write "I love you" will make him think even more fondly of you when you're not there, and will make him feel more romantic because you've made a special effort to let him know that you care.

2) Give your boyfriend affectionate touches. Sure, most guys aren't known for their love of PDA or hand-holding, but you should still make an effort to give your boyfriend reassuring, loving touches from time to time so he knows that you care about him. Squeeze his hand at the movies....or run your hand through his hair when you're waking up, give him a playful shove when you're teasing each other. You shouldn't be all over him all the time or he may get weary. Just pick the right moments to touch him, at least a few times a day (:

3) Tell him why he's an amazing boyfriend!!

4) Run your fingers through his hair when you look into his eyes.

5) Know that you are his only one, and even if you're not, pretend you are. If you're not confident, he won't be either.

6) Have tantric sex. Sexual intimacy is just as important as emotional intimacy for all couples. And no sexual act beats the intimacy tantric sex can bring to your relationship. If both of you can spare a few hours of undisturbed time, lock yourselves in the bedroom and prepare your minds for a sexual high that could leave both of you in ecstatic tears!

(phew. that one got my feels going a bit... too random??)

VOTEEEEE PLEASE!!! And also guys as you probably already know most all of these i get on the internet. Only the really bad ones ive either heard, experienced, or made up (: xxx LOVE YOU GUYS

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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