Part 1

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I am a 20 year old girl who lives in L.A. in a studio Apartment, due to the fact that my job sucks and i'm attending beauty school. Im taking every class I can so I can be fully qualified for the job when I was studying in a cafe around the corner from my house when a cute guy walks up to me and asks
"Hi, I saw you from across the room and noticed you have been here since 4am" he said
Shocked I said
"Yeah, Studying for a test at school"
"What are you studying?" He asks
"Oh, I'm in beauty school and saving up money so i can move out of my studio apartment. I'm sorry do I know you?" I say
"Oh how rude of me my name is Ondreaz, Ondreaz Lopez" he says with a big smile
"O-ondreaz Lopez?! Aren't you a famous tiktoker?!" I say surprised
"Yep, that's me. I'm sorry to cut this short but I have to go meet my mother and father." He says sadly
"Oh no It's good, I do too" I say packing up my stuff
"Okay, see ya! he says
I get up and call an uber I have to go to my parents buisiness building to mee them because they said they had something important to talk about. Last time me and my parents talked they made me leave my boyfriend of 2 years because they didnt like him, I was seventeen years old.
The uber pulls up to the building and I thought I saw Ondreaz's tesla series x but I thought anyone could have that car. I walk in and I see ondreaz, Tony, and their parents and i cover my face so they don't notice me.
"Our baby girl!!!" My parents say as they come towards me
"Hi mom, Hi dad. You said you needed to talk." I say
My mom's expression quickly changed
"Yes we do." She said with a short tone.
"Okay?" I say
"Your'e getting married!!" My mom screams with a smile
"No I'm not? Im single" I say confused
"It's an arranged Marriage" dad says
"WHAT?!" I scream
Just then Ondreaz and his family walks in, and ondreaz did not look happy at all.
"Welcome, I pursume you told him?" My dad says to them
"Y-" ondreaz cuts his dad off
"Yes they did, My name is ondreaz. Nice to meet you sir. Ondreaz says
"Very well mannered" my dad says to ondreaz
"Thank you for inviting us sir" then ondreaz looks at me
"Hello, Nice to see you again" he smiles
"Hi, Dad what are they doing here?" I ask
"Ondreaz is your fiance" he says
"W-what? He is who I am going to be married to?!" I say shaking
"Yes, He is who youre marr-" I cut him off
"Shut. Up." I say angry
"Ex-Excuse me?!" He says getting mad
"You always make choices for me, I never get a choice no matter my age. First when I was seventeen you made me dump my boyfriend and now I have to marry someone I just met?!" I say screaming and crying
I turn and run out the door and go to the elevator and ondreaz walks into the elevator
I wipe my tears and he asks
"Are you okay?"
"I will be, At least i'm marrying you and not some stranger" i say sniffling
"Yeah, I never got your name" he says
"Oh, My name is Jenive." I say smiling
"Well my bride to be, I was just informed when you left that we are moving in together today up in a mansion and you will be transfered to a better school and all your stuff will be moved to the house, as requested by me." He says
I just look at him and I look at his lips and I really want to kiss him...

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