Part 14

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We pull into the hospital with Ondreaz, he starts panicking and freaking out because he is nervous. Ondreaz runs into the hospital to tell them I need a wheelchair because i'm in labor. They take me back into a room, Ondreaz helps me change and they check my dilation. I am only dilated to a four. I need to be at a ten to give birth. I am laying in the bed when the nurse came in and asked if I wanted an epidural.

"Would you like an epidural? We can give you one now."

"Oh my god yes please, I gotta give birth to two kids I need it" I say

"if the pain doesnt go away in 10 minutes we can give you half of another one or a full second one." The nurse says

"Okay thanks!" I say while taking the epidural

I fall asleep when Ondreaz wakes me up because the doctor is here to do another check on my dilation and i'm a nine.

They roll my bed into a delivery room and get all set up.

The doctors came in with all the tools needed for delivering a baby. After about thirty minutes my dialations went from nine to a ten. The doctors come back in and tell me to start pushing after they prepare everything.
I start pushing and about two hours later, I had one of the babies. About three minutes after the first one comes I have the second one.

"They are beautiful Ondreaz" I say

"They are handsome little boys" Ondreaz says

"So, names." I say

"I want you to name them, Anything they get named will be perfect." Ondreaz says

"Okay, I have their names" I say smiling

"Okay, say them" Ondreaz replies

"The one you are holding, is Anthony" I say starting to tear up

"Perfect, Hi little Anthony" Ondreaz tears up

"The one im holding, Is Antonio" I say crying

"Those names are perfect" Ondreaz says

After about a week later we leave the hospital.

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