Part 9

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At this point because Ondreaz passed out, i'm freaking out and running inside screaming for help. They get him inside and they make me wait in the waiting room. It has been about 1 hour so i go up to the counter, I ask if i can see him and she gives me a nametag.

I get to his room and before I walk in I hear them talking.

"Sir, You have cancer. Stage 2 brain cancer" The doctors say

"Fu-, Genive. Do not tell her. She is pregnant and doesn't need that stress." Ondreaz says

"Sir she should know." The doctors say

"You tell her or show her or hint, I will have you fired." Ondreaz says angry

I knock on the door

"Come in!" Ondreaz says

"Baby are you okay?!" I say running into the room

"Woah woah. Babe, you are pregnant. Breathe. In through the nose. Out through the mouth" Ondreaz says to me smiling

"Okay, Can we leave?" I ask the doctors

"Ofc!, just sign out on your way out! Have a wonderful night!" The doctors reply.

We sign out and head to the house. On the way I ask Ondreaz to stop for Ice cream and peanut butter (:3). He goes in and comes back and smiles.

"5 Days. In five days we will be married." Ondreaz says

"Yep!, and we dont even have to try to get pregnant at the honeymoon!" I say laughing

"Oh m-" He cracks up laughing before he can finish.

We drive home and I eat my moosetracks Ice cream and we snuggle while watching "The walking dead" (Not sponsered😢). I notice he is asleep and I go down to the basement and lock the door.


O: Yo whats up
G: I need you😢
O: Woah what's wrong?
G: Ondreaz has cancer😭
O: I- I am so sorry, how bad?
G: Stage 2 brain cancer
O: Oh- That's just...I am so sorry..
G: Can we hangout tomorrow?
O: Ofc, what time?
G: Like noon? I also have news about me.
O: Good or bad?
O: Sorry had to ask
G: Good, I gotta go to bed
O: Okay, see you tmr!
G: Bye!
~~~~~CALL ENDED~~~~~

I open the basement door and Ondreaz is standing at the door.

"What were you doing down their?" He asks

"I was looking for my fuzzy socks. My feet are cold" I say

"Oh! They are in your dresser" he says laughing

"Oh you jer-" Ondreaz cuts me off with a kiss

We kiss for a while before he picks me up and shuts the door, pinning me to the wall next to the door. He carries me up the stairs and into the bedroom shutting and locking the door. He lays be down on the bed crawling on top of me.

He slowly unbottons my sundress, he slides it off with a slow motion not breaking the kiss. He kisses me from my lips, to my chin, to my neck, to my chest, to my stomach, and back up to my lips before removing his pants and boxers.

He kisses me as he slowly pushes inside of me making sure he isnt harming me. Many people say we are having sex, but no. We are not having sex, We are making lobe.

After we both finish we both get in the shower together and start kissing again.

~~~~~~!AUTHERS NOTE!~~~~~~
HEY GUYS! Been a while since one of these! I wanted to let you know. I have been busy but making time for all of you guys! I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy my story! Sorry for the PG13 sections... I thought it couldnt be a love story without any! Bye guys!💖💞

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