8. One Gang and a Bronze Battle

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TITLE: One Gang and a Bronze Battle
AUTHOR: HollyShmit

S Y N O P S I S :



"Till death do you part?" The priest finishes off with.

"I do," I answer - knowing how ready I am to die with this man.

You've all been on Amber Marigold's journey since she arrived at Tygerwell. Now join the end of her journey. In the final book to the golden girl series, we level up. Bigger races. Epic fights. And much more death.

It's not just Tygerwell or the country that's at risk. It's the whole world.

"This has become so much bigger than us."

And in the final battle of blood and loss and pain, victory is not a certainty. Good guys don't always win, because the line between good and bad are blurred.

Not everyone is going to make it out of this alive.


"Sterling? The South? They both have a common enemy now," he whispered.

"Us," I answer.

Rating: ★★★★★

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